At 21 months post op, gained 4 lbs! Help

I understand it is common to regain a small % of the weight we lose after we've reached the maximum. I started at 252, had open rny in May of 2001. Reached an all time low of 112 and fluctuated between 112-115 for about 2 months. Now all of a sudden, I can't get below 116-120. I layed off my exercise for 2 months...probably the reason, but I've gotten back in the gym again. I have suddenly found myself hungry all the time. And nothing satisfies me. I was having trouble with constipation and my PCP recommended that I drop my calcium to see if that would help. It did a little, but now my nails are getting ridges and very brittle. They've even started breaking. I've not had a nail to break in years until the last month. So I started back on my calcium. Back came the constipation. Something is really strange. No pain other than in my shoulders and lower back and I think that's caused by the loose apron and saggy boobs. Anyone got any advice or is anyone willing to kick my e-butt to get me going again? I was very happy at 112-115. At 4'11", that was just right, but I'm terrified of gaining weight. HELP!!!!    — Teri D. (posted on February 4, 2003)

February 4, 2003
I think it is normal for our weight to fluctuate some. I just went thru the same thing (I am 21 mos out, too :) but it slowly settled back down to my baseline weight. Make sure you're not a victim of carb creep--protein first. And drinking water helps, too. If you took a break then went back to working out, you may be seeing some muscle being built which may look to your eye like weight gain. Only start worrying if the clothes get tight! *hehe*
   — ctyst

February 4, 2003
Teri, first try to relax, and then go back to your basics. Exercise, water, eating habits. My weight fluctuates a little, but like the first poster, I don't get bent out of shape until my most comfortable jeans start getting a little tight. Then I cut out the carbs for a week and am just right. It's all about balance.
   — Cara F.

February 4, 2003
I just experienced the same thing a little more than a week ago. I weighed 4 lbs up the day after my period started. I was in shock after hitting my low 138 @ 5'3". I am 18 months post op and just coming off of the pill. I was even more shocked when a week later the 4 lbs are still with me and I gained another 0.5 lbs. I really don't get what is going on. I posted this question yesterday but it was not added to the list. I am being more stringent today but usually do protein first, lots of water and exercise. I was off exercising for two weeks due to having the GI flu and just getting back to normal. I just don't get it! I do think further out - into our second year - there are new lessons to learn about maintenance of our new body and system.
   — Karen D.

February 4, 2003
From what I have read, it is common to gain 5-10% of your weight back, usually between years 2 and 3 post-op. It is the bodies way of adjusting to the permanent weight loss. Your actually doing good to only gain 4 pounds. You've lost 140 total from a high of 252 down to 112. Even 5 percent of that is 7 pounds so actually your are doing good. Probably not what you want to hear, though!
   — Cindy R.

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