Does anyone know a good plastic surgeon?
I live in Hutchinson, KS. My starting weight was 337 1/2 lbs. and I had open RNY on 3/6/02. My current weight is 206 (I'm only 5'3"). I had to travel almost 2 hours away to have the RNY and know I will need to go somewhere else to have plastic surgery. I definitely need a brachioplasty, abdominoplasty and my legs done (a breast lift would be good too). I don't know if my insurance will cover any of it, but I'm hoping that it (BCBS Federal) will cover at least a couple and then try to pair them up with something they won't cover. I don't know who to go to or even where to start. I've heard there is a plastic surgeon in Wichita, a Dr. Bruce Ferris. Does anyone know anything about him? I am willing to travel to Topeka or Kansas City if necessary. If you know of a good plastic surgeon please let me know. Also, if you go see one plastic surgeon and then want to get a second opinion will the insurance cover that? I have had rashes under my apron, breasts and in the leg bend (behind my knees) and even at the top of my leg in the groin area. I can't afford to pay alot out of pocket to visit with a bunch of plastic surgeons, but I want to do the right thing. Please give me any advice you have. Another question, has anyone tried Windsor Pilates? Thanks for your help!! — jan M. (posted on December 23, 2002)
December 22, 2002
I had a breast reduction and my surgeon was Dr. George Poletes. Check out
my profile and the link to Plastic surgeon survey. My breasts look great
and his staff is wonderful! I live in Michigan, so it may be a bit far to
travel, but it would be worth checking in to. Good luck. And a big congrats
on your weight loss. I hope to be on the loosing side soon. Hugs!!!
— Nickie C.
December 23, 2002
Here is a surgeon located in the Overland Park Kansas area, perhaps you
will find it of interest. Good luck and congrats on your loss! Happy
Holidays.. S.K.
— S. K.
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