Anyone have any info on elevated PTT (partial throboplastin time)?

Surgery "was" scheduled for today, however, after all of the "pro-op" work last week, my PTT was elevated and my surgery was canceled until I get an all clear from a Hematologist. I'm so nervous now that there is a problem. I went to Hemotologist but he won't know anything for a few days. Anyone else ever have this problem?    — Dawn J. (posted on September 23, 2002)

September 23, 2002
In plain English, it simply means that your blood is too thin and takes too long to clot. Have you been on a blood thinner? Coumadin or aspirin? Surgeons want the PTT to be lower, the blood thicker, so there will be less chance of excessive bleeding during and after surgery. An injection of vitamin K can sometimes help the "thickening" process.
   — LLinderman

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