ok if we have this surgery i understand that it makes it so that we

cant gain anymore weight becuz of the size of our tummy now but how does it get rid of all the other weight that we already have? also i am 5'9 and 270 has anyone started at this weight and can tell me the results thank you    — Debbie G. (posted on August 19, 2002)

August 19, 2002
Debbie - in the most simplistic terms, as long as the calories you take in are less than the calories your body uses, you will lose weight. Calories are just a measure of energy. You use calories (energy) to breathe, walk, even digest your food. There are charts all over the internet, that when you put in your current weight and activity level, will determine how many calories you need just to function. The more you weigh, the more calories you need. This surgery greatly reduces the amount of calories you can consume, and that alone will cause you to lose weight. Add in exercise and you need more calories. If you don't consume more calories, your weight loss will be greater. There are lots of other factors that go into losing weight, but that's the basics. Please keep in mind that it is always possible to "out eat" this surgery. If you eat all day long or make poor food choices (milkshakes, candy, etc), it is possible to eat more calories than you use - and that spells weight gain.
   — Cyndie K.

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