
ANY SUGGESTIONS TO STAY CALM??    — Diane H. (posted on August 11, 2002)

August 11, 2002
As far as staying calm - ha I'm not sure anyone has been able to do that!!!! I just tried to stay VERY busy - get my house in order, food, etc. It's so natural to be nervous. As far as items to bring to the hospital - I took gowns, etc. - ended up staying in the hospital gown because I found it to be more comfortable. What I missed most was a clock and my pillow!!!! I took the usual - toothbrush, toothpaste, etc. Also, I found it to be extremely uncomfortable laying in the bed so I slept in the recliner they had in the room - MUCH better. I'm sure you'll get a variety of answers - hope this helps.........GOOD LUCK - Cande
   — Can9603

August 11, 2002
Calm down, it is going to be okay. You need to make yourself a list of things that you use from the time you get up till you go to bed (within reason). An example would be toiletries, glasses/contacts, any prescription meds. you take throughout the day. A couple pairs of comfy clothes, skid resistant house slippers, a robe if you wish, your own gown if you wish,panties, bras, books magazines, important phone #'s and maybe a phone card, and make-up, etc. Whatever you would take on vacation (minus a bunch of clothes). Best wishes on your journey.
   — Tina B.

August 11, 2002
Someone told me to bring chapstick--I would have never thought about that. But your lips will be very dry for a few days. Also don't forget dry shampoo--my hair needs washed everyday, so that's first on my list. Comfortable, loose clothes to wear home.
   — Annette M.

August 11, 2002
All of these answers were compilations of mine! I definitely used my chapstick...actually I like Carmex...goes on smoother than chapstick, took my own pillow...never go anywhere without it!, also a phone card was most helpful since I was 2 hours from home. I never wore my contacts...couldn't be bothered, so I just wore my glasses. I also had a puzzle book (word searches) for the occasional time that I felt up to it and wasn't walking! Aside from all that, a nightgown, robe, slippers, brush etc. By the way, I never put a bra on until discharge day, and then it only made it until I got into the car to go home...very uncomfortable on my incision!
   — MaryBeth R.

August 11, 2002
I was in the hospital for 5 days including the day of surgery. I took 5 Men's A-line tees in XX-large, X-tall. Put them on under your belly binder and it helps with the rubbing of the skin o your sides. Bring your own plastic cup for ice chips. I took some Bath & Body Works Home Spray. It made my room smell good. Tongs, for those hard to reach areas while wiping. Also, I used mine to scratch my legs and back. Slip on athletic sandels so I wouldn't slip in the halls. Request a fan as soon as you get in your room. It drowns out the noise. Hair clips, head bands, anything to keep your hair off of your face. Wet Wipes for my face and hands. the new "we" toliet paper~ great for feeling clean. Also, I took antibacteria hand & face soap that you don't need water with. Good Luck~ Candi
   — Candi B.

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