Am I the only fat person with high blood pressure

   — Diane H. (posted on August 1, 2002)

August 1, 2002
Of course not. Obesity can often cause high blood pressure. Many many many overweight people have it. I did before surgery and I was only 19 years old.
   — Sarah K.

August 1, 2002
Heck NO!!!!! Before my surgery I had blood pressure 150/110 most of the time. Now that I'm down 40 lbs. I still have issues with it. It's not as high, I'm running boarder line now. I don't know how much you weigh but before surgery I was at 263lbs. A heart condition and high blood pressure had me do this surgery.
   — Adele S.

August 1, 2002
No way!! I'm 400 lbs and always run high blood pressure and I take enough anti-hypertensive meds to knock out a bear (Clonidine, Norvasc, Vasotec, Atenolol, Labetalol - all just for high BP) I am 39 and was diagnosed with Hypertension 11 yrs ago. I have been hospitalized for hypertension many times and was one of the main causes for me to be on disability today. I'm told I shouldn't have trouble getting approved by my insurance for this surgery because of all this. For me and so many, its a lifesaver. Good luck!
   — thumpiez

August 1, 2002
   — Jen A.

August 1, 2002
Are there any obese people out there WITHOUT high blood pressure should be the question!!!! If you read the profiles here on this website you will find that almost all of us have or have had high blood pressure.

August 1, 2002
Was there supposed to be more to your question? You are kidding, right?? Most "fat people" DO have high blood pressure. Very few (there are some) non-obese people do.
   — Cathy J.

August 1, 2002
Mine went away and off all prescription pills since just over a month after surgery.. Had to get off the pills, they were making me dizzy. WLS was FANTASTIC for me and can be for you!
   — bob-haller

August 2, 2002
Before my RNY, I had high blood pressure. It was one of my biggest co-morbidities that qualified me for the surgery. My Dr. had me on medication to control it. A year and a half more high blood pressure. In fact, when I went in for my physical, it was on the low end. God Bless this surgery!
   — Gina L.

August 2, 2002
Lovely Diane, you are so funny. MOST of us have high bllod pressure and/or are on medication for it. I just got mine checked yesterday and it has gone high again even with my meds (158/98). PLEASE TRY TO RELAX!!! Do your deep breathing exercises and think calming thoughts. We will get through this! Call me if you want. Love, Beckyt
   — Rebecca T.

August 2, 2002
Diane Dianne Diane lol............I had high blood pressure as well but was in denial most of the time about it. Since surgery I have not taken any blood pressure meds and my blood pressure is normal... :-)
   — Deanna Wise

August 2, 2002
Diane, I wanted to apologize publicly for saying that you were funny. Your situation is not at all funny but the way you asked sounded so sad and innocent and plaintive. Please forgive my insensitivity. A lot of us 8/14's are having a rough time right now. Hang in there and try to relax. I really am sorry that I hurt your feelings and added to your stress. Beckyt
   — Rebecca T.

August 2, 2002
Like so many here, I too had high blood pressure pre WLS. I'm 5'2 and was diagnosed with it 17 years ago. At the time I weighed "only" 180# but, the condition runs in the females in my family (my mom was 5'2" and 90# and still had high blood pressure!). I ballooned up to 260# and had been on BP meds for 15 years when I had WLS. Within one month post-op my BP med was cut in half (I kept getting dizzy)and was stopped altogether after three months. Now at 1 year post-op I am down 92# and am having problems with my blood pressure going too low! Can you believe it?
   — LLinderman

August 2, 2002
Three years ago my BP was 240/120...stroke level. Yesterday after 9 mos post op my BP was 117/78.....and no more AVAPRO. I have been off BP meds for 6 wks! Praise God! My doctor said I have prolonged my life by years and years. I am 49. WLS is a miracle! -110 lbs
   — Marilyn C.

August 3, 2002
The only fat person with high blood pressure??? I thought "almost every" MO person has high blood pressure. ;)
   — Danmark

August 3, 2002
I don't have high blood pressure and my BMI is 56. My doc was happy that I didn't have it (yet) as it is very very common for MO people. So you are not alone! Not by a long shot! Cinda :)
   — Cinda R.

August 3, 2002
Hi, I figured that most MO folks have high blood pressure. I was one of the MO folks that did not, at least not yet anyways. Nine months postop and my pulse and blood pressure are better than ever (apparently was at the upper end of "normal" preop) though thought it was more in the normal range then it was). Best of luck to you. Know that you are not alone as you can tell my the responses. Take care and God bless.
   — Karen L.

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