Does anyone know about Jarrad the guy who ate his way to weight loss...

Did Jarrad actually have Gastric Bypass surgery???    — Diane H. (posted on August 1, 2002)

August 1, 2002
you can go to subway site and there is a section on jerold
   — paulsgirl

August 1, 2002
I live here in Indiana, and I have actually met Jared. He was a student at Indiana University (Bloomington campus) when he lost all his weight. He did NOT have gastric bypass. I can't remember if he had anything for breakfast, but be had a footlong veggie sub for lunch everday, no oil, no mayo, no cheese. He had a 6 inch turkey sub and a bag of baked potato chips everday for dinner. He really did lose all the weight, but what they barely mention in the commercials is all the walking. IU is a pretty big campus, and Jared walked to every class. He walked when he wanted to go down Kirkwood to hang out with his friends. He made low fat healthy food choices, but I relly believe he wouldn't have gotten slim nearly as easy without all that walking. The funny part is how Subway found out about him - He was walking across campus and saw an old friend he hadn't talked to in a while. He said hi and the guy just kept walking. Jared caught up to him and said hi again, and had to say, "It's me! Jared." The guy said he didn't even recognize him. He thought it was so unbelievable he got the story published in the newspaper he worked for. From there the story was picked up by a major news service, it got noticed by Subway, and the rest is history! BTW - Is it just me, or does it seem like guys almost always lose weight faster than women?????
   — Jenny S.

August 1, 2002
Yeah, go to the library under subway...people have asked about this guy before, and one question garnered a SCATHING post from his ex-girlfriend...pretty interesting stuff...
   — rebeccamayhew

August 1, 2002
Dear Rebecca Mayhew...............I looked up "Subway" and "Jared" but got over 4,000 sites to review. I went through about 60 of them and gave up. Which site were you talking about? If you still have it, I would appreciate your leaving the addy. Thanks :)
   — Carmen K.

August 1, 2002
Ahh why the library isnt real popular......
   — bob-haller

August 1, 2002
Go here...
   — Stacy C.

August 1, 2002
Iwent and read all the Jared posts and I was thinking good for him until I read the post from his x-girlfriend. If what she says is true then he is a crumb and I cannot respect him. He hurt her. alison
   — owliegirl

August 1, 2002
I love to hear stories about people who have lost weight just by making good food choices. I wish I had that kind of will power. Way to go Jarred (and to all who had done it that way). It's a great thing if you can actually do it.
   — Sarah K.

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