My blood pressure is 180/100 and My surgical date is 26days away.

My cardiologist prescribed a Catapres TTS. Have you heard of this? I'm also on Monopril40mg, and norvasc and dyazide. Is this going to work? How can I lower my blood pressure in such a short time??    — Diane H. (posted on July 17, 2002)

July 17, 2002
Walking is usually a good way to help lower blood pressure. Actually it good for overall health for any pre-op patient.
   — Tracey W.

July 17, 2002
My blood pressure was high before surgery too. That was actually one of my reasons for the surgery. I am two months post op and I blood pressure is now normal with no meds.
   — Linda A.

July 17, 2002
I would say make sure you're doing the things you should do for high BP anyway---no pop, cut your salt intake, ease the stress in your life (hahahaha)....
   — Kimberley E.

July 18, 2002
Hi Di! I'm having lunch with you today and will see if I can find any info on lowering blood pressure quickly. Yeah for 8/14!! Love, Beckyt
   — Rebecca T.

July 18, 2002
Hey Diane, If you can swing it, concentrate on a low-carb diet these last few days before your surgery. Every time I've stayed low-carb my blood pressure drops pretty dramatically. One time while LC-ing it was so low, the local blood bank wouldn't allow me to give blood! Hope this helps & best wishes for a great surgery!
   — Robin W.

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