I am having severe pain to the left of my surgical incision,(5 wks post open RNY)
The area is assymetrical to the other side of my abdomen, the pain is more severe in the evening, much worse when I stand or move a certain way. Any one else experience this? My physician did CBC and obstructive abdominal series today, wanted a CT Scan but said they could not do it because of my wieght. Anyone know of anyplace in the Chicago area that can do a CT SCan on person weighing more than 350lbs? — Terri H. (posted on June 20, 2002)
June 20, 2002
I have pain around where the tube was. About the middle of my incision. I
think it might be muscles?? However, tonight I thought I was having a heart
attack. It felt like someone was squeezing under my breast around my
back!! I could hardly talk much less breathe. This latest for around 10
minutes or more...Then I sucked on an aspirin...And it went away.
Weird.... I'am not nauseated so I don't know what gives..Oh I'am almost 4
weeks out.
Good luck...
— Mary H.
June 20, 2002
By all means, seek medical attention. You are telling my story from exactly
one year ago, when I was a new post-open-RNY. My most severe pain was in
exactly the same place. Evenings were always worse and middle of the night
was unbearable & I would wake up literally screaming & crying in
pain....well...come to find out it was a combination of things. The
inter-costal block they gave me while under anesthesia (the block) MISSED
the between the ribs thing and they nailed a rib, causing a hematoma. (we
did not treat that in any way). Also, my muscles from the retractor took a
long time to heal. MOSTLY, that is exactly where my pouch is located and
they had just rearranged my innards! For five full weeks, I complained and
regretted the surgery. That was June 20, 2001. Starting weight was 321
pounds. Today, 155 pounds, size 10. Good luck to you.
— Barbara B.
June 20, 2002
I agree with Barbara about the pain from the retractors. During the surgery
they pull all the muscles apart to have a clear field of vision with
retractors. As you heal everything starts to go back into place - the pain
can be a dull ache to a jabbing pull as you turn or twist...hopefully this
is the pain you are experiencing and it is just the normal healing process.
I hope you get relief soon - good luck.
— Diane Z.
June 20, 2002
I'm 6 1/2 weeks post op from an open RNY. Starting at 5 weeks I also has
severe pain just to the left of my incision about 4 inches down from the
top. It hurt just to talk, let alone move. When I had my 6 week
follow-up, the doc made sure it wasn't any sort of hernia and said it was
not uncommon to experience this sort of pain, which he said was muscular.
Unfortunantly he also said it could bother me for several weeks. In the
last few days it has gotten significantly better and now only hurts when I
laugh, cough or sneeze. Sorry, I don't know where you can get a CT in
— Kelly S.
June 21, 2002
I too am almost 5 weeks out. I JUST started having pain in my incission
area and dont have a CLUE what it is. It does seem to be common at this
stage. I hope you get good answers, I am interested in the cause as well.
Mine is much worse at night. Good thing I have vicodin left over is all I
can say! Good Luck!
— Sassy M.
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