does anyone know if celexa slows down your metabolism

on the atkins site it says Blocking agents interfere with other normal chemical functions as well, resulting in such unwanted side effects as diminished sex drive and performance, dry mouth and constipation, to say nothing of slowed metabolism, which, of course, can stall weight loss. Now i am wondering if it is making my weight loss go slow    — amahsweet (posted on May 24, 2002)

May 23, 2002
I was on Celexa last year and gained 30lbs in about 4 months. I have also heard this from other people that have been on it also that it causes weight gain. There are a few web sites out there that talk about Celexa and the weight gain.
   — Lisa B.

May 24, 2002
I think like many anti-depressents, some people gain and some lose. I have been on celexa for about a year and a half. I had gained weight so my doc tried switching me to wellbutrin. BAD IDEA! Not only did I still gain weight, but it didnt work for the depression either. I think my weight gain was caused by other things, not the celexa. Either way, I love it. It works perfectly for my depression and I haven't gained any weight in the last 6 months either (I'm still pre-op).
   — emilyfink

May 24, 2002
I have been taking celexa for about a year now. I've gained weight but it wasn't from the celexa, it was from me gorging myself with food because of my depression. I don't think taking any kind of "pill" can add weight to you. It may increase your appetite and if you eat more food then you will gain weight. Your slow weight loss may be for other reasons. I am a slow loser too. I am 7 wks post op today and have lost 37 lbs. Have only lost a couple of pounds during the last 2 weeks. I started out as a "lightweight" (230) 4'11" tall, so that's the reason for the slow weight loss. I am now trying to increase my protein and walk more. Good luck.
   — Peggy D.

May 24, 2002
I think every person's reaction to each drug is going to be different. I've been on Celexa for over a year now and it's done more for me than any other med. Sure, the first time I went on Prozac I DID lose a few pounds. But the price I paid for it making me a *itchy woman was far greater than a few pounds. I also previously tried Zoloft (for 6 months)...and gained 30 pounds on that. The previous poster who said it has to do with increasing your appetite, not just "making you gain weight" is correct. Depakote is another culprit which can make you feel hungry all the time. At least it did me! Good luck & God Bless - Anna
   — Anna L.

May 24, 2002
I went on Celexa just before both my parents died last August. It has had absolutely no effect on my weight loss. I continued to lose weight, had a three month plateau from November to February and have continued to lose weight since. I attribute my plateau to eating too many carbos (I was stuck on a comfort food of toast about 3 times a day.) When I eliminated that, the plateau broke and broke big, losing 14 pounds in a month. So, for me, the Celexa hasn't done anything except reduce the frequency, duration and intensity of the weeping I have been doing since my dearest geezers passed. Good Luck to you!
   — merri B.

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