I need to hit the ground running at work 6wks post op...can I?

I own a bridal business [with the largest selection of plus size gowns, I might add ;)] and I have surgery in two weeks. January is big bridal season and I need to run through a big store carrying 20lb wedding gowns. I am fairly fit for a fat old woman [300lbs,43]but I am afraid of overdoing it and then being laid up when they need me. How long before it took you have energy and move without fear of injury?    — valerie S. (posted on October 27, 2001)

October 27, 2001
I was back at work in 4 weeks I work as a machinist and the only restriction I had was not to lift more than 20lbs so I don't think you will have any problems good luck
   — [Anonymous]

October 27, 2001
Why not hire a temp to run behind you carrying the gown? Just for two or three months, until you feel stronger? Might help. Nina
   — [Deactivated Member]

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