Has anyone had reflux treated surgically??

If so, what was the procedure..How long in the hospital??    — stephanie L. (posted on August 9, 2001)

August 9, 2001
I had a huge hiatal hernia that was causing incredible reflux. It was indescribably uncomfortable and sometimes scary. It was repaired during my laparascopic RNY surgery. My surgery was 1hr and 15 minutes. I had surgery Tues. evening and went home the following Thur. The instant relief from the reflux was one of the most remarkable things I haave ever experienced and made surgery worth it even if I never lost a pound.
   — blank first name B.

August 9, 2001
I had Lap Nissen Fundolplacation, (for Gerd), in 1997, I was in the hospital 2 days...This year after fighting the battle of the bulge, for 50 years, I decided to have RNY.. The Nissen, was like a mircle, the refux, asthma, heartburn, and chest pain, all stopped after the surgery, after suffering for 15 years,,,,,Only one draw back, in order to do the Gastric Bypass, they had to reverse the Nissen, which made my pouch, one of the smaller ones necause of scar tissue,,,,,,I am 4 months post-op today, I have been sick for the whole 4 months, right now, I have an uncer, on my stoma, and several eroisions, in my stomach.......I am sorry I had the bypass, I should have kept my nissen, I cry every day, in pain...Any questions, e-mail me direct. [email protected]
   — Marie B.

August 9, 2001
I had the Nisson in Aug. 2000. Because of this my surgeon wouldn't do the RNY on me. He said it was potentially life threatening since the RNY pouch was part of the Nisson and could be filled with holes and therefore leaks after being taken down. My surgeon recommended the BPD/DS and I so glad he did. Aetna actually paid for the Nisson and they consider it experimental. My surgeon forced them since he told them he felt the RNY was potentially life threatening. I haven't had any GERD or anything. My GERD was so bad that it developed into Barretts esophagus which is precancerous. Best of luck. Oh, I had the Nisson done LAP and was in the hospital 2 nights(they wanted me to leave after 1 night but my bladder shut down from the anesthesia) Best wishes to you
   — Linda M.

August 9, 2001
OOps, sorry, meant to say Aetna actually paid for the BPD/DS(which they don't usually cover as they deam experimental)
   — Linda M.

July 26, 2002
I had a procedure in 1992, called a Nissen Fundoplication, to correct acid reflux. This is where thay take the upper part of your stomach and wrap it around your esophagus to strenghen the valve that stops acid from going up into the esophagus. I had reflux so bad that ABC's program 20/20 did a story about my surgery which aired in May of 1992. Ever since I had this surgery I have had no problem with acid reflux.
   — Gene F.

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