Has anyone experienced keloiding after surgery???

I am an african american who is very concerned with keloiding after surgery. I know that it is a small price to pay, to having the opportunity to live a life of good health, however it still remains an issue for me. I currently have a keloid below the belly button, after a lap. gallbladder removal and it is very ugly. I'm just wondering if I have to go with an open RNY, should I go ahead with the Tummy Tuck, this way I can reduce scarring . Thanks for your response.    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 29, 2001)

July 29, 2001
Well, at least YOURS will be a nice tasteful black shade. MINE are bright red and look exactly like those fat gross earthworms that come out in spring? Ewwwwww. EVERYTHING keloids on me. So, but there IS hope. You can schedule an appt with your local dermatologist for 6 wks post op to inject your keloids. You know you're a k-former, so no doubt and you've got oldies, too. Fine a nice one and then just set appts for 4-6 weeks apart, shoot them until they lie down. Use a scar fading product (I use Scargo) to do that part, but the injections will start taking the pull & burning & itching out within 24 hours. The more you do, the flatter they lie. Oh, us keloid kweens can't ever get rid of 'em, but we can tame them quite a bit and at least get rid of the discomfort. You just need to find a derma who will work with you and who gets as excited as you do as you lose. I send all our locals to mine. But you have to bring your " before" pix so she can cheer as you lose wt, too! Oh, and ins covers it. So far, I've piad about $6 in the last 5 yrs in copays. Affordable for most everyone.
   — vitalady

July 30, 2001
Hey thanks Michelle! :) I am also a proud bearer of a gigantic red earthworm on my belly. Didn't know I could do any of those things to "fix" it, but it really doesn't bother me that much anyway. [Altho now that I see it is so cheap/easy to do ... hmm ... ] My doctor did mention something about a laser treatment too.
   — Beth B.

July 31, 2001
I'm also AA and I had an open rny. I'm not prone to keloids, but the scar is a long, crooked welt. It isn't black (where'd that idea come from....); it's just a bit darker that than the other area on my tummy. It's pretty ugly. But, I think of it as a badge of honor. It represents the my strenghth and courage.
   — [Anonymous]

August 28, 2001
How bad do the injections for keloids hurt???
   — Craig A.

September 2, 2001
I just read bout this on the Web. its called Kelo-Cote i havent had the surgery yet, but check it out and i have read where some here have used it and like it.
   — Jackiis

July 31, 2002
My lap RNY also has the ugly red marks although they are not very large. My problem is that the tendency to scar also happens on the inside. I have had 2 endo's because the stoma keeps closing up. Also the staple line in my new stomach has a ridge that is making it hard for me to handle solid foods 8 weeks out. People who form scar tissue have that problem, I guess it is just life. Accept the things we can not change, change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference. Good luck.
   — Thomas M.

October 21, 2002
Hi, I have had a couple sites keloid on me. The worst was high up on my chest where it showed to the world. Smiles I had a cancer surgery and it stuck out about a 1/4-1/2 inch it was sooooooo ugly. Looked like someone put a big long worm on my chest. Not only that it hurt. I could not get into the shower without shielding it from the water it was painful. Anyway I went through steriod shot treatments on it for almost 6 months it is now very flat and does not look bad at all. I am pre-op for the Rny and Gallbladder removal and tell you I do not worry anymore. If they can make the mess I have look better they can do anything. Good luck to you
   — Theresa B.

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