commonly overlooked co-morbidities?
can i get a list of co-morbidities? I want to compare to see if maybe my DR> and I overlooked a few. I figure the more the better. — stephanie L. (posted on July 18, 2001)
July 18, 2001
I spoke w/ my drs office today and they say comorbidities are considered
when possibly life threatening i.e. sleep apnea, high blood pressure,
diabetes etc. I would also say however that I personally would include
gerd, incontinence, skin rashed/infections, shortness or breath, chest
pain, chronic back pain etc.
— Dawn R.
July 18, 2001
PCOS, my wife has that, heart disease, elevated lipids and cholestrol,
breathing problems including asthma. Too much fat keeps the lungs from
fully expanding bringing on pneamonia and asthma problems, knee, back, hip,
foot and joint pain with or without arthritis.
— bob-haller
July 18, 2001
Stephanie, I listed Diabetics (borderline) high blood pressure
(borderline) sleep apnea, back ache, joints ache, high cholesterol
shortness of breath, good luck!
— rinkadinktx
July 18, 2001
Not only sleep apnea but snoring. I also used trochanteric bursitis,
shotness of breathe and water retention.
— angelwomyn
July 18, 2001
dont forget DEPRESSION!!! our physical body & its health do alot to our
self esteem, self worth etc. u feel useless because of the physical
challenges a morbid obese body deals with & because u feel useless u
feel like a loser, a burden to ur family, a pain in the neck to the medical
community & the laughing stock to the rest of the human race. i speak
from experience.
— sheryl titone
July 18, 2001
Asthma, sleep apnea, dyspnea, chest pain upon physical exertion, varicose
veins, cadiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, high
cholesterol, infertility, dysfunctional uterine bleeding(can lead to
hysterectomy), chronic leg,hip,low back, shoulder pain,urinary
incontinence, bowel incontinence, and Gerd. The pressure from a large
stomach can diminish lung capacity and can possibly put pressure on the
heart - this causes shortness of breath and chest pain, and indigestion.
— K T.
July 18, 2001
Don't forget lymphedema (water retention due to lymph system
problems--dieuretics don't work), carpal tunnel, (sp?), horrible skin
lesions that can result in serious infections, constant sweating,
insecurity, shame, etc...
— jenn2002
July 19, 2001
I had chronic pancreatitis due to elevated triglycerides, which is a
terminal disease that WLS has cured!!!! --
— CohenHeart
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