I'm about 4 weeks out and have been running a low grade temp <101.

This has been kind of an on and off thing since I came home from the hospital. Has anyone else experience this? Is it normal? I realize how much my body has been through so it wouldn't surprise me to know this. Thanks for any info.    — Lisa B. (posted on June 9, 2001)

June 9, 2001
Go to the doctor - you probably have a little infection somewhere. A fever means that your body is working overtime to fight "something." Don't wait!
   — Helena R.

June 9, 2001
Is your incision warm to the touch or your stomach red around the inciscion? I ran a temp like you about 2 weeks after my surgery and they discovered I had infection in my inciscion and they had to reopen me and let it drain and let it heal from the inside out.. Get it checked out. I am not trying to scare you.. but a fever is sign of infection or something going on.. Good Luck.. (hugs)
   — Debbie R.

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