I've been snacking way too much.
I've lost less than 20 lbs in 5 months and I'm almost a year out from having the surgery. My goal was to lost 120 and I've only lost 85. Truth time - I've been snacking too much, not getting enough protein, drinking less water than I should and not exercising enough. I promised myself that I would not do this and I have. I've fallen back into my old habit of beating myself up over it and that doesn't help either. I could use any support you all can give me. Whether it's some kind of diet I should follow or whatever. I've been through lots of eating dissorder counseling so I'm no stranger to what's happening with me emotionally but I think I tried to fool myself into thinking that now that I have smaller stomach I am just like everyone else. I guess I need to accept that I will probably always have issues with food no matter what. Thanks for letting me "listening". — [Anonymous] (posted on May 31, 2001)
May 31, 2001
You answered your own question. You need to pull yourself up by the boot
strings and get going. Eat your protein, drink your water and exercise!
Beat those food demons. You made it thru a life threatening surgery to
reclaim your health. Do you remember the dreams you dreamt about being
skinny? About all of those things you could no longer do but would be able
to once you lost the weight? LIVE THOSE DREAMS! Reclaim that
determination! You were given a tool! Learn to use it! I know this is
easier said than done. There is a whole community of people on this
website with a common bond, we want each and everyone to enjoy success,
that includes YOU. Do you want it? GO FOR IT!
— [Anonymous]
May 31, 2001
I think I know what you're going through, hon. I'm going to make some
serious suggestions and I pray they work for you.
You have lost 85 lbs. Be proud and celebrate that incredible weight loss!
Do not look ahead to failure and disappointment - I wanted to be at goal
now too, and I have 25 lbs. to go. I had to make peace along time ago with
my slow pace.
Snacking...that little demon! First, YOU MUST ELIMINATE ALL SNACKS FROM
THE HOUSE! Make snacks inaccessible. Make a list of healthy snacks that
you like. It is the season for fresh fruit - fruit salad and smoothies can
seem absolutely sinful at times. Yesterday, I made fresh, homemade
salsa...add 3-4 of those huge baked tortillas, and that's
non-fat, non-sugar meal loaded with vites!
"Sneak" your protien in...put a scoop into your fruit smoothies -
you won't even know it's there. Carry a water bottle with you at all
times. Before you snack, tell yourself you will finish 20 oz. of water.
If you do this 4 times a day, you will have finished 80 oz. of water. Do
you have a yard? Plant a flower bed, mow the lawn, pull some
me, this is exercise. Go for a walk and celebrate spring!
Beating yourself up...familiar place, huh? I used to punish myself with
snacking: 'You don't deserve your house, husband, job, face, family,'ll always be fat, so eat more'. Sure was a heck of a lot easier
than loving myself. When you were in counseling for eating disorders, what
worked? Which counselor did you find most helpful? Look that counselor up
and make an appointment before all the old habits return. Get a handle on
this now!
As far as diet, assuming your surgeon provided you with a post-op plan, you
need simply to return to that. 60 gms. of protien, 64 oz. water, low
sugar, low carbs, low fat. Eat 1/2 c. of food every 3 hours to keep the
cravings and snacking at bay.
The good news is that you have still lost 20 lbs. in the last 5 months -
tells me that you are fighting your body's desire to lose weight. Time to
pull over and let your body win. Good Luck and God Bless.
— Allie B.
May 31, 2001
I can totally relate to what you are going through. I am 13 months post-op
and am finding that I am having to battle some old behaviors. I have 20
more lbs to lose before my abdominoplasty, but have only lost 2 pounds in
the last 2 months. I have not been getting in my protein, exercise, or
water like I had previously. I have been snacking/grazing from stress and
depression. I know the tool of wls will continue to work for me if I use
it, I just have to get motivated again. So, I am starting back to the gym
on Monday with a friend. I am going back to the balanced diet that helped
me lose when I started to plateau - protein shake for breakfast, 72 oz
water daily, protein/starch veggie/green veggie for lunch and dinner, and
my only snack will be fresh fruit or maybe a protein bar if I crave sweets.
And, I've called my therapist to help me work through these issues in
regular counseling sessions again. You're not alone. Best wishes.
— [Deactivated Member]
June 1, 2001
I can't beleive that you would actually put yourself though all of this and
return to your old habits! I am going to give you some tough love...stop
it, think about how many days you wish this day would come, when you'll be
able to lose weight and feel so much better about yourself and your
health... remember? Now snap out of it, get back on track, get rid of
those snacks, ( this is the reason why you had to have this surgery in the
first place)and make yoursef proud of your success, only you can do this.
I pray that God will grant you the willpower,(he bless with the surgery)
but the rest will be up to you......May God Bless you
— blank first name B.
June 5, 2001
Congratulations on having accomplished 71% of your goal! I find that it
helps me to set a timer or alarm for every three hours. I don't have to
think about when to eat: When the alarm goes off, I eat my regular portion
(for me, 3 ounces) whether I feel hungry or not. This helps me to keep my
focus on the "non-food" part of my day and make sure my
metabolism gets a jumpstart every few hours. I'm not saying I don't have
the urge to snack sometimes, but that's why I save my Viactiv calcium chews
for the afternoon and drink as much water as I can. Everyone is different,
but this works for me and I hope it helps!
— ctyst
June 8, 2001
Hope you can get a grip. I am in the same boat. In fact your words could be
mine except I have actually gained 7 pounds and am freaking out. I'm I a
total psycho or what? It is like I am possessed, I can't get any feeling of
fullness. I am going to see the dr just to make sure that there is not a
mechanical problem. I already have seen my head shrinker but I am getting
scared. I was happy with my weight loss and the way I was feeling and
looking. Just hang in there. I will think of you while I increase my
protein, exerice, and water while cutting out the crap.
— Suzanne R.
June 8, 2001
Hi, I just wanted to let you know you are not alone. I have been stress
eating the past few months as my marriage has dissolved. I am leaving
tomorrow and am looking on it as a fresh start. I am going to start taking
care of me again and that includes what goes into my mouth and more
importantly, what DOESN"T go into my mouth. As long as you don't have
a disrupted staple line, there is always hope and all you have to do is
turn yourself around and do the things you KNOW you are supposed to do,
protein, water, excercise and avoidance of sugar and other high calorie
foods. I will be pulling for you. Take care.
— Kellye C.
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