Should I stop taking my prempro before surgery?

I won't see my surgeon until 2 weeks before surgery. I have heard I should stop taking prempro about one month before surgery. Is this accurate? I really hate to call his office, they are very busy.    — deb_wls2001 (posted on May 28, 2001)

May 28, 2001
Call the office, this is MAJOR surgery, you need to know.I could tell you what my doctor required but that was my doctor . I've found doctor's and what they require are very different. Call, that's why he get's paid the big bucks,LOL!
   — Rose A.

May 28, 2001
I took PremPro the night before my surgery and resumed the day I got home from the hospital, 4 days later, with my surgeon's blessing. I had open RNY.
   — Linda B.

May 28, 2001
Call 'em. You don't get a discount for the calls you did not make! I took mine the day of surgery, even, and as soon as they let me take things orally, never missed a beat, really. I'm sure my doc didn't want my DH knocking on his door at 3am seeking shelter from me without my estrogen! LOL!
   — vitalady

May 29, 2001
I would have never thought to ask about where or not I could take my HRT (hormone replacement therapy). I assumed I would need to have it.. and hope I can as I know it helps me to stay not only happier but emotionally more stable. I fear the surgery will be hard enough.. I can't imagine being low on hormones as well... Good luck.
   — Dawn R.

May 29, 2001
CALL his office. That is a short yet important question. They are busy but this is their business! They expect these calls. They are the experts. ANYTHING that could interfere with your anesthesia needs to be asked of an EXPERT. Make the call.
   — Cindy H.

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