Do you have to pay all of dr champions money up front?

who is the cheapest dr for this surgery and a dr advertises out of va that he has made arrangements for self pay to be 6300 dollars hospital and all does any one know about him,his name is dr amarasinghe    — sandy E. (posted on April 16, 2001)

April 16, 2001
My daughter was self-pay with Dr. Champion. In January 2000, the cost of surgery was $18,500. That was an all-inclusive fee which covered the surgeon, assistant, anesthesia and the hospital (regardless of complications or length of stay), and was payable up-front. When comparing his fee with those of other qualified and experienced bariatric surgeons across the country, I found it to be very reasonable. Although cost is important, expertise is may find a less expensive surgeon, but be certain that you are not sacrificing quality for a few less dollars. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

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