Extra Help?

Has anyone used something like Weight Watchers AFTER WLS just for the extra support???    — [Anonymous] (posted on April 8, 2001)

April 7, 2001
i taugh about that and then i realise that maybe people on thoses programs too would get a false success impression seeing me loose and loose and loose... i finaly rejected the idea because i did not want to become a model for thoses people... i am able to follow the rules i have learn there on my own. thats my simple oppinion...
   — carou1313

April 8, 2001
I joined my worksite weight watchers progam right after I returned to work. I figured the surgery was a tool and knowing MY history I'd probably find a way to muck it up! I have never eaten a proper diet in my life also I want to learn how to maintain my weight so here I am 2 lbs away from goal. I was honest with the instructor and the other members , I asked my weight loss not be announced ond that no fuss be made. These requests were honored. Turns out the instructor's husband is morbidly obese and his doctor recommended he have the surgery! Also another WLS patient attends the meetings , she had the surgery in the late 80's and has keept off all but 20 lbs so when her weight creeps up she comes back to WW. I love it I have a good supportive group some people are not so lucky. I'm sure some of the people talk behind my back , But, I don't care , I'm thin and they are not!! Jealousy weather at WW or work or among my neighbor's is THEIR problem not mine. We adjusted the diet to include more protein foods and don't count my protein drink at all , if I mix it with a non caloric liquid. It has worked out well for me.
   — Rose A.

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