Would I qualify with a BMI of 38?

I am 34. BMI 38. When I made my appt. w/Neweigh, Houston, TX I weighed 210 @ 5'2". 3wks later I went for my 1st appt. I weighed 204 (I haven't lost weight in 7 years - and my body decides to do it NOW! ARGGGHHH!) At any rate, my only DIAGNOSED problem is high cholest. I suspect Sleep Apnea, have indigestion almost daily, am hypoglycemic, and when I lay down at night my hands go numb. I am the smallest woman in my family. All are 225 min. and up. My Mom is 5'1", 286 lbs. and has EVERY co-morbidity known to medical science @ 57 years of age. Dr. Jayakamur would not even see me that afternoon - he did not feel I was a candidate. Aetna, my insurance, says I need BMI of 35 or up w/co-morbs. or 40 up with or with out co-morbs. & Dr. documented diets (Which by the way - WHAT does that mean???? My Dr. is not dietician and does not hang out in my home.} WHAT DO I NEED TO DO? Wait until I am a higher risk for surgery due to weight or illness? Wait until I have possibly developed permenant damage to my body's orgrans? HELP!! I am trying to head off the inevitable and not having any luck. P.S. My PCP is VERY supportive. He suggested surg. in fact a family member of his just underwent procedure in past months. ANY SUGGESTIONS?? Pretend to be dying??    — Heather P. (posted on April 7, 2001)

April 7, 2001
Hi, how is houston? I moved to California from SW Houston, 4 yrs ago. Anyway, my BMI is 38-39 depending on the day, what I eat... I am going for it,,, My insurance says <40 you must have co-morbidities. I have osteoarthritis, stress incontinece and history of CHD (congestive heart failure) and gall bladder disease in my family. Hopefully that is enough. The list of co-morbidities are similiar but not exactly the same with all insurance carriers. Mine, Pacificare, sent me a letter outlining all the requirements. Best of luck...
   — Cheryl C.

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