I am 2.5 months post-op. Still no period? When does it return?

   — [Anonymous] (posted on April 3, 2001)

April 3, 2001
Hi I am 4 mos post op open rny and I haven't had a period yet. I had it right before surgery and asked my doctor about it. He said not to worry because our bodies have been subjected to a lot of stress and if it didn't return in 6 mos to go see ob/gyn. I am 48 yrs old and haven't had any symptoms of PMS or menopause either. I feel great and this is something I don't miss. I do wish my hormones would straighten out because I don't show much interest in sex and my husband thinks I have "lost it". I told him just be patient and I will get my groove back! lol. Relax and your body will adjust quicker.
   — [Anonymous]

April 3, 2001
Might not hurt to see your obgyn or PCP and have your hormone levels evaluated.. if you are low and really want your period.. they can probably help you get it back.. or ride it out like they said and if it doesn't come in time.. definitely be seen. I recall "starving" myself in junior high to lose weight and I didn't have a period for almost 1 year.. I think this surgery is something kinda similar.. though we are not starving our intake is considerably less and I can see how it would shock our systems a bit. Good luck.
   — Dawn R.

April 3, 2001
I had my first, non-induced, period in years one week post-op and then did not have another period for 3 months. The past five months have been like "clock-work". Since my body wasn't normal pre-op it's been interesting experiencing normal cycles again. I hadn't them for about 15 years.
   — Sharyle L.

April 3, 2001
I'm a pre-op so I can't tell you about post-ops recovery. However, for two years I didn't have a period, PCOD, which is a fancy way of saying, you don't get your period. I found progesterone cream worked as well as the synthetics to bring on a period. However, I believe what finally brought them back was accupuncture. I can go into the details of why if anyone wants to email me. I do have normal periods now even with the same extra weight the doctors blamed for me not getting them.
   — kcanges

July 24, 2001
Hi. If I were you, I'd go see my OB/Gyn to discuss your circumstances & what you should do. A few of the posters feel that if you don't get your period, it's a blessing. I'm not criticizing them or anything; it would be nice to not have that monthly nuisance! But it's very important that you don't go too long without a period! My gyn doesn't want me to go more than 3 months without a period. When I don't get it, I take Provera for 10 days to bring it on. If you don't get your period, the uterine lining will keep growing and can possibly turn cancerous! I'm not trying to scare you or anyone else; just want to urge you to see your doc before anything bad can happen. I believe another option, other than Provera, is to go on birth-control pills. There may even be other options that I don't know about. Now, I haven't had to see my gyn post-op because miraculously, I started getting my period all on its own, without Provera. My first post-op one came about 1 month after surgery, and I'm going thru my 2nd one (grrr!) now, about 38 days after 1st. Still can't believe it! Anyway, good luck with your situation!
   — lalasmommy

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