Packing for out of town surgery

I will be having the surgery out of town, and therefore recoving away from my home, my bed and my own comforts. Any suggestions about what to bring to make my recovery (first 10 days) more comfortable in a strange place? What was indispensable to you during the first week?    — Samantha S. (posted on March 10, 2001)

March 10, 2001
Good luck with your recouperation! I found the first week to be the hardest. It will get better every day though. Here are my recommendations: a small portable fan; a calling-card charge-back number or pre-paid phone card (for those phone calls you'll want to make!); your own wrap-around robe and slippers; chap-stick; note-cards and stamps; and some good hand-creme and chapstick.
   — Kristy J.

March 10, 2001
I can completely relate to this question. I traveled 6 hours to where my surgery was done. There were only a few things that I took from home that made it better 1. my pillows 2. my pj's and bedroom shoes 3.Chapstick 4. my favorite blanket 5. a water bottle 6. food stuffs for post op. However, one thing that will make things much more comfortable is getting the right kind of hotel room! We got one that had a small kitchen and a living room area with a couch. That was the most important to me because we had somewhere to prepare my food post op and store it. Also, the living room area made it nice for varied positions because laying flat in the bed was not always comfortable! Hope this helps! Good Luck!
   — Stephanie E.

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