How can I be a good Angel?

I'am pretty new to this web site, and have met a wonderful new friend (Tonya Price) who is having WLS in March. I asked to be her "Angel" and she agreed, now I need advice to be a good "Angel" to her! I got the name, adrress, and phone number to the hospital she will be at, thats the first step. But how do I post info about her and her surgery to this web site? Any comments would be helpful! Thanks! Shannon    — Shannon S. (posted on February 27, 2001)

February 27, 2001
I think everyone would agree that checking on the patient in the hospital is only PART of angelic duties. Angels should also keep up with the patients progress prior to and following discharge from the hospital until they are "back on their feet". It is important to get the patients pertinent information including family contact name, hospital name and phone number, surgeon's name along with phone and fax number if you do not live in the same town. Angels are in charge of getting the patient their AMOS well wishes from their surgical page either by personal delivery or by faxing it to their surgeon's office for the surgeon to deliver. Another valuable job of the Angel is to be supportive and compassionate, as well as considerate and persistant. An angel takes on the responsibilities of an "older sibling" almost. Best of Luck to You!!!
   — Rachael R.

February 28, 2001
What a great question! I too am a first time angel and this will be very helpful info. You make great friends this way too.
   — Angela B.

November 9, 2001
lear as mucg about th fam,ilt as ytou possibely canmn...thien jsut diod ion.//.
   — blank first name B.

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