Any information about Ferrous Gluconate?

My 3 month labs came back with low iron levels. I had been taking two "Perfect Iron" a day...but my surgeon said that was not enough. My surgeon has prescribed Ferrous Gluconate (300 mg) I know we can't have ferrous sulfate and the ideal type of iron for us is ferrous fumarate (taken with vit C) =o) The problem is I can't find out which type of iron this gluconate is. Anyone know?? I don't want to waste my efforts on a pill that most likely will not be absorbable enough for me so I was hoping to find out if this one is okay for me to take, I know my surgeon should know best but he is also one of the ones who suggest CIB for protien. =oO Thanks in advance!!    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 16, 2001)

February 16, 2001
Did he say how many mg elemental iron he wanted you to take? The Perfect are 325mg iron, with each pill being 25 mg ELEMENTAL. If he wants 300mg ELEMENTAL iron, there's only one pill that I know of that has it and it isn't ferrous gluconate. While the book SAYS FG is OK for us, I have not seen people do well on it. That's not scientific, but that's the way it is. You can find FG at the drug store, and the elmental will be 30-35mg. I suspect he wants you to take 325mg iron, and you are already getting that now. In which case, you can take another pair, later in the day with another vit C. Did he say when he'll test you again?
   — vitalady

February 20, 2001
My iron was low after following my doctor's directions and taking 325 mg of ferrous sulfate daily. My iron was still low after doubling my doctor's dosage recommendation. I finally listened to Michelle Curran and started taking one of the irons she recommended, carbonyl iron. I found it in Sundown Perfect Iron and started taking 3 tablets twice daily even though the directions said two pills once daily. I felt the difference within two days! I stopped having to take a nap every day. I stayed on the higher dose until my iron came back normal and now I'm taking two pills twice a day. Remember that the directions on the bottle are directed at people that absorb all their food and nutrients, and we have to take a little more to absorb a normal amount.
   — Kellie L.

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