did anyone receive the duragesic patch to control pain after surgery?

If so, what was the strength? It doesn't seem to be working for me.    — [Anonymous] (posted on December 30, 2000)

December 30, 2000
Hi, i was on patches called fentalyn not sure of the spelling tho i was on 300 mgs changed every three days. It was a massive dose and it only gave me to;erable releif i was on them in the hospital along with dilaudid in my heart cthitier 2 mg every 2 hours. I was extreamly sick for a long time and in hospital for a month the first time. I would ask dr for something else if it isnt working for you hope this helps
   — BBD

December 30, 2000
Duragesic (fentanyl) patches are not generally designed for immediate or short-term pain relief. These patches are applied to the skin and release pain medication through the skin over a 72 hour period, then a new patch is reapplied. The disadvantage for short-term use is that the drug initially can take up to 17 hours to reach peak effect after the patch is applied. For most patients, particularly lap RNY patients, the need for strong pain medication is fading rapidly by the time it would take Duragesic to start working. Because of the "delay" effect with the application of the first patch, patients will always need an additional pain medication (either IV or intramuscular injection) to control pain until the Duragesic kicks in. It is generally a very effective drug for long-term use; nausea and constipation are the two main side-effects for some people.
   — Diana T.

October 26, 2001
I had severe abdominal pain, and it was treated with Percocet after I was discharged. However, because I had pre-existing chronic pain syndrome, which was not treated adequately prior to surgery, I was in agony. I was also unable to obtain Percocet or any other pain medication from my then-treating rheumatologist. I went to a pain-management clinic, and was given a prescription for a low-dose duragesic patch (50). I was told I'd be better off using a patch than narcotics--it didn't work for me at all. However, I would've preferred receiving some kind of a patch rather than Percocet because of the change in my GI tract. Right now it just isn't available. Also, it is printed on the duragesic patch box that it is not be given for acute, post-op pain but was prescribed for me anyway.
   — Susan W.

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