Since I have gained weight, I have developed heels that are like rock

I have tried everything...I scrape, pumice, wear vaseline and socks to bed...everything short of sandpaper (thats next). My surgery is in a week. Do you think this problem will heal itself when I lose the pounds?    — Robin Q. (posted on December 5, 2000)

December 5, 2000
I too have this problem. I have noticed some change since I have lost 100+ pounds in the last 7 months but I also know my problem is also skinny 125 lb mom has the same hard, cracked and sometimes bleeding heels. If anyone out there has the magic cure, I would like to know! I have tried EVERYTHING!
   — Tracey D.

December 5, 2000
Look in your drug store for a Callus cutter should be on the rack with tweezers and nail files .. the Calluses won't just go away be very careful using a Callus cutter soak your feet in the bath tub first and very carefully scrape off the dead hard built up Callus I cut to far one day and boy it hurt so bad and took for ever to heal.. good luck this does work I tried all the other things but nothing ever worked this will but you must be careful using it Kathy
   — Kathleen M.

December 5, 2000
I had/have the same problem. I go to the podiatrist. He sanded and cut away the worst of it, and gave me a perscription for lacrimal cream, which I apply to my feet after a shower and then put on all cotton socks. My feet are alot better. I vist him every 2 months, and I only have to pay a $15 co-pay as it is covered by insurance.I am now 7 weeks post-op. I asked him before surgery if I had this because of my weight. He said not really that alot of thin people have the same thing. I personally think it is dangerous to cut away your own calluses ans you can get infected.
   — claire C.

December 5, 2000
My husbnd had the same problem (it is hereditary) and the thing that he had the best results with is a product called Aquaphor. I get it at K-Mart and it is the same feel as Vasaline. He put it on his feet and then put gym socks on for the night and the next day he could pull thick layers of dead skin right off. He had had VERY THICK layers of calluses for years that he tried all of the filing, etc all to no avail. This is the only thing that has worked for him. He still puts it on every night to keep it at bay. He has also lost over 100 since his open RNY in June.
   — livnliter

December 5, 2000
Oh, I had this, too. Bad ones, bad enough to actually crack & fissure at one point. My podiatrist had a compound made for me, but of course, I don't know what it is. I've rather phased off using it since I started getting pedicures where I get my nails done. I do 'em every 6 weeks and they are able to control the hard stuff with their callous remover & buffing & stuff. They're still dry, but if I rememebred to use that presciption again, between the two, they'd be just fine. It sounds "ritzy", but it's not. I only go every 6 weeks and it's about $18. They can SEE what they're doing. Even at goal wt, I can't get my eyeballs twisted around under my feet! Also, Avon recently came out with a "Foot Stick", which glides on easily & quickly. I've been putting it on with socks in this cold weather and that's adding even more control.
   — vitalady

December 5, 2000
Shoot! Got so wrapped in the outside, forgot to address the inside. We also need to supplement with DRY form Vit E. We can't absorb most of the fats 'n oils (and were mostly avoiding them before surgery), so the fact that I am well covered this way has helped with the thickness of these things.
   — vitalady

December 13, 2000
If you haven't yet, you need to have your doctor check you for diabetes or glucose intolerance. Dry skin, esp. on your feet, is very common with blood sugar disorders. KC
   — Kathleen P.

June 30, 2003
Hi there, I have the same problem. Just last week I had a crack in my right heel that was so bad I was limping, it felt like the skin inside was splitting deeper and deeper every time I took a step. I use Bag Balm in the green tin container. You can get it for like $5 at Safeway or Walgreens. I use a washcloth to apply it (it's kind of greasy) and I put a very liberal coating on my feet before bed (I shower and scrub my feet first so they're clean). Then I put socks on over the bag balm and leave it that way while I sleep. My heel quit hurting after 2 applications.
   — beeda

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