Is there no light at the end of the tunnel?
I am so very depressed and upset. I just talked to my insurance and they need all documentation/charts/notes from all the doctors, etc. where I had attempted to lose weight. They need this from my PCP. I had tried to get him to write a letter once before and he said they would rather hear from me. Evidently they didn't. He is supportive but for some reason doesn't want to write a letter. — Lillian G. (posted on August 16, 2000)
August 16, 2000
This is standard procedure, so try not to be too upset. I know it stinks,
but hang in there. I agree with Ava. Write your own and ask your PCP to
make modifications or sign the darn thing. Also, find out if your PCP has
to specifically sign it. For example, I had to produce a dieting record as
well, and for me it was very general. Some people can go back years and
remember very specific time periods and weight gain/losses. I cannot. I
could only do generalities, and that was perfectly sufficient. I know a
few of the members on this site have dieting records on their own web sites
for anyone to look at. Hang tough.
— Paula G.
August 16, 2000
Lilian...I'am in the middle of my letter. My pcp is going to edit it when
I am ready...I got a letter of the internet that is great and about 6 pages
long but I can't tell what the site was now...anyone out there remember?
that's how I got it before.
— Debora H.
August 16, 2000
Lilian...I think the letter was off the mini gastric bypass site.
— Debora H.
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