What can I do about low blood sugar?

I am 31 months post-op with a distal RNY. Because of my gastric bypass, I have developed low sugar. I was told to eat 6 small meals a day with an increase in carbs. This increase in carbs made my health worse. I have gained back 20 lbs. and my appetite has increased also. I am now on prozac for my irratebility, and glyset to keep from absorbing too much carbs. In the mean time, I have been told by others to only eat raw vegatables and lots of protein. (almost like the Adkins diet) I need suggestions because my energy level is at 0 and believe my sleep apnea has returned. I am 5'1 and currently weigh 136.    — Lorraine R. (posted on August 11, 2000)

August 11, 2000
Because you are distal, I assume you are taking protein supplements 4 to 6 times a day? Are you spacing them out well enough to keep that blood sugar even? Even though I take a LOT of protein supp, I find that adding protein bars have almost eliminated my hypoG incidents. Of course, all of this is as close to 0g of sugar as possible.
   — vitalady

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