Are test results calibrated forobese people
I am doing a research paper for a class and was curious about this. Are the test results we get back scaled because we are obese or are we compared to normal people. In other words, if my blood sugar count comes back with a 91 is that compared to a normal persons or is that ratioed for a person of my weight. If anyone knows of any sights that would help me with this I would appreciate it. — snicklefritz (posted on August 6, 2000)
August 7, 2000
Lab tests reference ranges are figured by the ranges of normal results of
average people. What they do is gather a large group of test results from
the population, based also on sex and ages and gather a "normal".
Some people will fall on the high end and some people will fall on the low
end. Just because someone is obese does not mean they are abnormal. If
you have a blood sugar of 200, that is abnormal. Regardless of whether you
are obese or thin. I had a patient come in Friday who is a normal, young,
thin gentleman, age 38 who had a blood sugar of 680! This number definately
falls out of normal limit. This is considered "Critical". I am
a lab tech and I am trying to explain this in laymans terms. Sorry if I am
— PNethery
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