Please help Eric write to Carnie Wilson.

Carnie Wilson (musician daughter of Beach Boy's Brian Wilson, 11 months post op) has been here a few times and I'm asking her to consider possibly being more involved with supporting our site in any number of ways. If you think this site is worth promoting to others, please write her a brief letter (paragraph) beginning with "Dear Carnie, " describing how this site has helped you and how in particular others might benefit if she mentioned it to others. What particular features does this site have that are unavailable elsewhere, and how are they meaningful or beneficial? Perhaps at some time in the future, she might decide to help promote the site. I'll be mailing all your responses to her later this week. Thank you!    — ericklein (posted on July 18, 2000)

July 18, 2000
Dear Carnie,
   — Janell S.

July 18, 2000
Dear Carnie, I am a whole new person thanks to WLS and this wonderful website. I have met many wonderful and beautiful people. I have been battling this weight issue for many years and I have you to thank for giving me the final push. I read that you were having the surgery and that lit my fire. I waited til I could wee how well you were doing until I finally scheduled my date. I am happy to say that I am 4 months post op and have lost 125 lbs. YEAH!!! I still have about 100 lbs to go but I know I can do it. This web site is my life saver and I tip my hat to everyone on board. Everyone here is so helpful and any time I have a down day all I have to do is enter and I am happy when I leave. I would very much enjoy it if we could have you aboard as I have been trying to thank you for months. Good Luck with your new marriage (love the pictures). Hope to chat soon.
   — Natalie Q.

July 18, 2000
Dear Carnie, I am one month post op. I had open rny. Thanks to this site I found a wonderful doctor in my area. I also got all the research material I needed to make my decision about wls. Thanks to all the supportive people on the chat line, I got the courage to take that final step. Now, I am on the journey of my life. Thanks to amos!!!! I feel that all the love and support on this site would help others that feel there is no hope. Brynda
   — brynda F.

July 18, 2000
   — Diana V.

July 18, 2000
I would like to tell you how much this site has helped me in the last year. I was letting life pass me by while my family was out enjoying life. I knew at 374 pounds I couldnt do any of the things they were doing. I was researching WLS and found this site. I have gotten so much support and useful information here. I dont think I would have had the courage to do this without obesityhelp. I thank God as each pound comes off. I am here to LIVE now!! Thank you!
   — laucol

July 18, 2000
Dear Carnie, I found this site through your support group on ADIYH. I thank god for finding both of these sites, as they have been tremendously supportive of me and my struggle. I am now a week away from my surgery with Dr. Schauer in Pittsburgh! While I was researching this surgery before I even knew you were having surgery, you have been instrumental in getting the word out about this surgery, which has opened up even more avenues for myself and others to research this surgery and determine if it is for them. Thank you, Carnie, and I hope that you do stop by more often!!!! You are doing so wonderful!!!
   — Cindy S.

July 18, 2000
Dear Carnie, I can not begin to tell you what has meant and does mean to me. This site is a WORLD of good and true info. There is always an answer to any question that you may have. There is always someone to cheer with you and cry with and for you. I had a LAP RNY in April and I do believe that without this site I could not have made such an educated decision. I had all the answers before I went to the surgeon for visit #1. I went to surgery without any fears at all. I did not ever think of changing my mind after I reasearched the good and bad on through this site. It is very easy to get around the site. If it had not been, a computer dummy, like me, could not have used it. The members are great. Victoria Bowen is getting together a Losers 2001 reunion for us in April in Branson. She has really been working hard to organize it all by herself. I think that speaks very highly of the members here. Others help by just posting encouragement all day long. I get worried when I don't see the regulas post one day. They feel that much like family. Give us a try, it's a good place to come to. By the way, how's that new hubby?
   — Debra M.

July 18, 2000
Dear Carnie, Watching your surgery on the net was the best information I had found. Thank you so much. I haven't heard anything of your progress and wish I had. I know you are on the T.V. but I always miss it. This site is great and wish you could be on here with us. Think about it PLEASE!
   — Beth S.

July 18, 2000
Dear Carnie, this site has been an invaluable source of information to me during my weight loss journey. I've been coming here for a year and I can always find support and answers to my questions. We are all like one big family (although not a perfect family!) and the people are here to give their support and experience to others who need it. At the begining of my WLS journey I became frustrated with all the red tape so I came to this site and posted a letter asking for support. I received the sweetest letters from people which really picked me up. I also wanted to thank you for making your surgery public and inspiring thousands of people to look into WLS. People respect you and your weight loss efforts so I believe your endorsement of this site would help many people. I also wanted to say thanks for inspiring me to go ahead with WLS...I'm 3.5 months postop and down 76 lbs so far. I know this surgery saved my life.
   — Kellie L.

July 18, 2000
Dear Carnie, I can not begin to tell you what this site has meant to me. I had open RNY in May , and whenever I have doubts , fears , or frustrations there are always well informed compassionate people here to help me out. We are like a family of weight loss surgery patients, very close and special. This site is my main support emotionally through this surgery and my new life. If even one person learns of this site , and gets the correct information concerning weight loss surgery, I will be happy. I tell everyone that asks about the surgery about the website here, and send them the url when I write to them. It is the best site on the web with REAL people who are going through , or have gone through the same things as I have.
   — Heather T.

July 18, 2000
Carnie: I think you should or could help others by promoting as a fantastic support group! I don't have a local support group, so I come on daily and chat with others who are somewhere in the process themselves. We're like one big family. I hope you are doing well and always look forward to an update on your progress. Best wishes.
   — Cindy H.

July 18, 2000
Dear Carnie, has helped me tremendously, by its wealth of information and support. If it were not for this site I would not have known that there were so many different types of weight loss surgeries and that each one affects your body in different ways. IF you could mention to others they too could see how benifical this site is. Not only is there a lot of information on there that you cant find anywhere else but there is also a large amount of support. If you have questions or concerns the answers or advice is right here at this site. I feel that anyone who is considering having weight loss surgery should give a look at because they will find it very helpful and insightful of what to expect from weight loss surgery. Thank you. Patricia Adler
   — Patricia A.

July 18, 2000
Dear Carnie, I have been considering WLS for several years. I had to admit you going public definitely helped in my decision. This site was really assisted me in reading everyones experiences and asking so many questions. In years past, I would find web sites for particular doctors that would explain the procedures but it is nothing like this. This actually has real people and you can ask everything from the doctor you choose to the insurance you have. I must say that it has helped me tremendously. Thanks, Jackie
   — Jackie S.

July 18, 2000
Dear Carnie, Congratulations on your success! I have been following your progress from the very start. When we first learn of wls there are so many questions, fears, and excitement that we want and need to absorb all the information and support that we can. I am so thankful for the site here at AMOS. I have been a member for a year and I had my surgery in April. I researched surgeons, insurance companies, various surgery types, and I talked to many people about all aspects of the surgery in the chat room. This site is responsible for my new lease on life. I am here off & on daily. The Q & A is a wealth of information. I love to answer questions to help others when I can. We all learn from each other. You could and should do the same. This is the best web site and I have seen most of them. I hope you will consider being active here. We are all in this together! Janice King
   — Janice K.

July 18, 2000
Dear Carnie- You know, I posted a message at your site and I wasn't really respectful to the people there. In fact I had to argue with Eric the Moderator to actually get him TO post it. His concern was that what I was posting was not exactly good business for the site, which was TRUE, but the seriousness of this procedure made me want to get it posted still. Nevertheless, the others let me know right away that what I did, was not right (and while my intentions were not meant to be harmful) I was just too negative and I see that now. They were right and to clear things up, I apologized for my post and now I just lurk and shut up. I still lurk is because WLS is important to me, helping people is too. I feel that your notoriety, while good, brings people to your site, which is not doing all it can do or being all it can be. A lot of the newcomers think they can "chat" with you directly, and that you will answer them. I feel for those people. Occaasionally, I contact the new posters directly with a POSITIVE :) post on WLS and a link to visit this site for detailed answers to their questions. I receive nothing but thanks in return. Again- I am not trying to knock your site. Your site is great for a supportive, chatty arena, and I love reading updates about your success. But I feel, when people see you on shows like 48 hrs etc., and then visit your site, it is not capable of supporting all of them on this journey. I feel your association with this site would be positive. You would have peace of mind knowing that all the people you attract are getting advice and individual attention. The database is quite impressive. The message board is great. The organization of surgery dates, surgeons, hospitals and insurance etc. is what everyone is looking for. I cannot say enough about this site! I do hope you decide to check us out. I think it is what you may have had in mind, when you started at ADIYH. I do hope you consider us. Eric Klein (and others) have spent so much time & energy on this great place to learn, I feel priviledged to be a member. Karen
   — Karen R.

July 18, 2000
Dear Carnie, I want you to know that you are the one responsible for helping me see the light. I was very fortunate one day to be waiting for my (always late friend), when I read your article in "People Magazine". It was a life changing moment. I had been so depressed about my weight, and was at my whit's end. I had just been told that I have PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Sydrome). I was trying to face the reality that I will probably never lose the weight, that had been my capture for almost my whole life. I am also a newlywed, and was scard out of my mind about trying to start a family while living as an obese person, that is "if" I could start a family. ( PCOS can cause infertility) When I read that article, it dawned on me that there is a way out. I called my Doctor that day. I live in Canada, and the wait here for surgery is staggering, it will be 3 1/2 months of waiting when I finally get in for a consultation. If I qualify for surgery, (which shouldn't be a problem) I will have to wait another 6-12 months for surgery. So you can see that with all of this waiting, I could possible go insane. But thanks to this site, I won't. ( at least I hope I won't) LOL. Everybody that I have talk with on this site have been very supportive and welcoming. I have found the Q&A board very helpful, and insightful. Out of all the sites that I have been to this is the one that I have bookmarked, and it is the one that I visit everyday. I really feel that you joining this site will benefit so many more people. You have already helped me, by you joining this site, you can enable myself and other to help people that are also "Looking for a way out".
   — Bluefever

July 18, 2000
Dear Carnie, You have done a lot for those of us suffering from obesity already by going public with your surgery. I want to thank you for that. I feel you could do a lot more to help all of us that are still fighting the battle and waiting for surgery by becoming a sponsor for this site. Eric has done a great job in putting this site together. It is definetly the best support that I have. I have friends and family but only a few really relate to the problem. Everyone here relates to our problems. By lending your name to the site I'm sure it would benefit all of us. Please consider the request. Thank you for sharing your success.
   — Patsy H.

July 18, 2000
Dear Carnie: Thank you for taking the time to read our letters. has been an unending resource of support for myself and many of the friends I have met through this site. The Message Board and Q&A section are my particular favorites. I now have relationships from this site that I know will last me a life time. Congratulations on your success. You are an inspiration to all of us, and you are doing a wonderful thing bringing out information regarding to WLS to the people that needed it. Sincerely, Kim Franklin Open RNY 04/12/00 Beginning at 297 Currently at 230 67 lbs gone forever!
   — kimberly1224

July 18, 2000
Dear Carnie, Thank you for sharing your surgery on 48 hours. You opened the door to a new life for many of us. You can continue to help by supporting I do not have a local support group so I visit this site everyday. I am always encouraged and inspired with the wonderful people who post here. It is important that we know we are not alone in our fight for life and that there is always someone who understands what we are going through and is willing to help us get through it - whatever the problems. Please help Eric bring this wonderful site to others out there who desperately need our help.
   — Saundra V.

July 18, 2000
Dear Carnie - Congratulations on all of the changes that have occurred in your life in the past 11 months. And, I wanted to tell you that it takes a very brave person to be able to do all of those changes in the public eye. I salute you for your courage. Now, about this site, I have made some wonderful friends on this site. People who feel what I have felt in the past, feel now, and give me hope for a better future. Having been obese all of my life, I never felt "normal" anywhere - until I found this site and since my decision to have my weight loss surgery. On days when things look a little less bright, there are always people here to lift my spirits and they allow me to do the same on their "blue" days. The most unique thing about this site is that we are a "family." We cry for each other in times of struggle, we support each other, and we share each other's joys. Now, I ask you, where can you find that anywhere else??? P.S. If you contact Victoria Bowen, who is planning the Big Loser's Reunion in Branson, maybe you might even join us for some fun - who knows? Thanks for listening and keep up the good work ! Diane C.
   — Diane C.

July 18, 2000
Dear Carnie, If it weren't for your surgery as shown on television I never would have taken the step to improve my life by having surgery. Like you, I have suffered from being overweight for most of my life. I had reached the end of the rope when I heard that you were having surgery. I contacted four surgeons to find out more information. I tried to find different sites on the internet to further educate myself when I came across This site has been a blessing in that finally I am able to communicate with others who suffer as I have. Also, the website has many different ways of telling the story of people who suffer from obesity(, quesions/answer posting, etc). Thankyou for your contribution. Thankyou for helping those people who have/do suffer from obesity.
   — twenc

July 19, 2000

   — Danny R.

July 19, 2000
Dear Carnie, First, I just want to say hello to you and thank you for enlightening people to what strugles obese people have to go thru. You, I belive have brought this type of surgery out of the closet and let obese people know there is hope to live a normal life. I was looking into having weight loss surgery for a while, but I could never bring myself to actualy go thru with it. Then just recently I was finding out, alot of people I personally know who just had this surgery or will be having it. It seemed to me that this was something I had to follow up on. Kind of a good omen thing. So I was fortunate enough to have stumbled on this Obesity Weight Loss sight, and let me tell you, this was the best thing i've seen in a long time. There is so much information that goes on here and the people are the best. I think that with your help this can be an awsome sight and people really look up to you for your strength and bravery for doing what you did infront of millions of people. I have my surgey date for August 2 and I cant wait. I feel like I'm being paroled from a prison, which no one can ever know what it's like unless you are an obese person. I just want to say kudos to you and god bless, because you have started a whole new trend,lol. Look at this, just as I was typing this for you, I just got a call from my Doctors office saying the insurance company has approved everything and it's a have no idea of how I feel right now, I feel like crying.....but its hard to type and cry,lol. Thank you for everything Carnie and I'll see ya on the other side,lol. Frank :-)
   — Frank R.

July 19, 2000
Dear Carnie: Thank you for being so outspoken about your choice to have this surgery. Seeing how well you have done, helped my self and my husband to re-open the disscussion of whether or not I should have this procedure done. I also don't think I could have made this decision with out being involved with this site. The information I have received and the people who I have been talking to are so helpful. Your input and support of this site would help more people like us find a place where we are cared for. Thank you.
   — Carrie M.

July 19, 2000
Dear Carnie, The WLS site has been an indespensable tool for me prior to and after my surgery. I had WLS on 6/13/00 and was able to receive loads of information from the site. Also, there are live chats with people from around the world where I am able to vent about things going on with me, help others going through a situation I have been through or just be a sympathetic ear to someone who needs one. I have also made friends on line whom I talk to on the phone and am able to connect with people from around the country I would not otherwise have the opportunity to do so. I hope you will be able to support this site in any way you can. It seems that any publicity it can get will give more people the opportlunity to find out about this life saving surgery.
   — Sandra A.

July 19, 2000
Dear Carnie- I had WLS 3 years ago. I wish I had this site back then to help with the decisions of choosing a doctor, hospital, types of surgery, support from others in the same situation, the "scoop" on insurance companies and/ or things to expect before during and after surgery. Today, I know that I can find the answer to any question I have by coming to this site first. There is always someone who has experience and can lead me to an answer. You promoting this website will help bring this information to people with questions. Thanks in Advance.
   — Cindy G.

July 19, 2000
Carnie, I believe this site has given me a well informed research and support on my decision to have WLS, I had my LAP RNY on 6-6-2000, I continue to come to this board for encouragement and for the information you may want to find out after surgery in the question and answer board.This site is a valuable contribution when researching , and I would highly recommend it to anyone!It is my favorite site to visit on WLS...You would be doing someone a big favor by passing this informtion on!!I am -40 lbs....
   — Tami A.

July 19, 2000
Dear Carnie, Please consider supporting this site has proved to be most beneficial to me, as well as others who are in our situation. This site has virtually been my entire support system before and after WLS. I am 7 months post and 10 pounds from goal, and I would like to see others who would like to have this type of surgery recieve the type of support that is so vital for the success of weight loss surgery. Thank you for considering, Pam Garcia (Pam in SC)
   — Pam G.

July 19, 2000
Dear Carnie, How great itd be to have your support on this site!! I have been a fan of yours since the Wilson Phillips days. The song "Hold ON" pratically saved my life back in the early 90s. I have been struggling with my eight since the third grade and to you go on ET and publicly announce your struggles and that you were going to havethe WLS was such a great thing you did for all of us who are struggling with our weight. You showed great courage and strength. And now cjoi us in our fight. Ithik your a true and nspiration and wish you the best in life. Take care carnie!!!!!!
   — kim H.

July 19, 2000
   — DEBBIE B.

July 19, 2000
Carnie, First, congratulations on your wedding plans! Thank you for sharing your story. That is what got the seed planted for me to consider this surgery. We are close to the same age and I went to WW camp and that caught my attention when hearing your story. Also, when you said that insurance sometimes pays for this surgery that really got me thinking. I am 8 weeks post-op and it has already improved my life. I am having so much fun with my husband and little boy (2 1/2). I can keep up with them and I don't sit on the sidelines anymore. You have made a positive impact in my life.
   — Tanya F.

July 19, 2000
Dear Carnie: This Site Saved My Life! I had WLS 10 months ago. The only reason that I decided to do so was because of this site and the wonderful people in the chat room and on the message boards. I also found my surgeon here. I was one of those, like the man you just helped out, on the higher end of the weight scale. I weighed 530 pounds the day of my surgery, and was nearly housebound, and dying at the age of 35. Then I came to and all that changed! I met people who helped me and chatted with me about the pros and cons of WLS. Now, I try to do the same for them. I have lost 243 pounds in 10 months, and now I have a life. I used to just wait for the mortician to arrive. Congratulations on your success and your marriage. You look wonderful...and your happiness shines through. Blessings, Cindy Lou Clemens
   — Cindy Lou C.

July 19, 2000
Dear Ms. Wilson, First of all I want to commend and thank you for having the courage to share your personal WLS experience with the world. When I saw that you had done this it gave me more incentive to keep researching. This was how I found this awesome web site. There is so much stigma associated with being over- weight and it is such a relief to have a safe place to come to daily where there is no stigma, no shame and no shoulds. I have learned what I needed to learn in order to make some clear decisions on how to get what I want and need during this process. Plus I have 24hour support whenever I need it and I am part of the support if someone needs it from me. WLS has created a positive network of support and information about a topic that is just not talked about. I hope that you will visit often. Take good care of yourself and lets us know about your progress. Lydia= [email protected]
   — Lydia H.

July 19, 2000
Dear Carnie, you don't realize what an inspiration you are to people, that have been battling weight loss for a lifetime. We always fight the battle, but never win the war! I started researching wls in April of this year, and remember saying years ago that if there was a surgery that had more success stories than failures, I would have it if at all possible. Well, this is the beginning of my new life, you shared it with the world, and I want to share it with everyone on this site. This site has helped me be in control again and look forward to living. My surgery will be in August and I am ready to start living again. Thank you for being one of us.
   — smul3

July 19, 2000
Dear Carnie, I am so grateful that you have given people all over the world the opportunity to share in your struggle with Morbid Obesity. So many of us have given up hope, trying every New Diet, or New Pill that comes on the market, only to be disappointed when our efforts fail us yet again. By going Public with your struggle and your progress, you have given many people New Hope. Hope that maybe at last there is a way to put an end to the misery that we suffer. When it was announced that you would have surgery on the internet, I was not supportive as I am now. Basically I was still in Denial. Not that I denied that I was Morbidly Obese, only that it was time, actually past time to seriously consider a surgical solution. Until this spring I would not have even considered listening to anyone that suggested WLS. But then I had a "Reality Check" and I finally had a Doctor with the right approach. After that I began doing research, and the first thing I did was get on the internet and look for information about You and Your surgery:) Early on in my research I came across a listing for I spent nearly 2 days looking through the entire website. Reading every word, looking at all the before & after pics, checking out the Q & A page, and the message postings. The more I read the more I knew that I had waited long enough. I was ready to regain my Life and my Health. The amount of information available through can be of great assistance to anyone with questions regarding any type of WLS. The site is extremely user friendly and the members are more than happy to share their experiences, good or bad with anyone who asks. This site is not "Sugar Coated", some people have complications and some have even died. However, all aspects are covered and discussed, nothing is hidden, thus allowing people to make informed choices regarding the suitability of WLS for their own life and health. It is my hope that you can let more people know about the information and support available here at Come for a visit and stay awhile:) Thank You again for all you've done to promote WLS as a viable option that is available for those of us suffering from Morbid Obesity:) Warm Healing Skinny Thoughts to All:)
   — Barbara I.

July 19, 2000
Carnie, Just wanted you to know that I have always loved your singing, and that you are such a great person to open up your life to all of us. I have folled your surgery, and your weight loss. I know you have touched so many lives, and now I hope to have this surgery done for myself soon. Thanks, and hope you and Rob have a wonderful life together. Please join us at this site. Glenda
   — Glenda S.

July 19, 2000
Dear Carnie, Hope all is going wonderfully for you. This site has been a source of terrific information and support for all those who have visited. I am currently setting a date for my surgery (vbg) and probably wouldn't be that far if I didn't get all the answers I wanted from everyone here. Come back and visit all of us, we would love to have your input and presence on the site.
   — michelle B.

July 20, 2000
Dear Carnie, I have really enjoyed reading about your surgery. The courage you have has convinced me that I too can do this and everything will be fine. This site has been so informative and I hope that more people could learn about this site. Please consider promoting this site. I think that there is never too much information on the supernet highway. Congratulations and "Remember Who You Are", not just an obese individual or a thin individual but a BEAUTIFUL CREATION THAT GOD HAS CREATED AND HAS FOUND YOU PRECIOUS IN HIS SIGHT, NO MATTER WHAT SIZE." Sincerely, Nadia Shaya
   — N S.

July 20, 2000
Carnie, I'm sending wishes for you the New Bride and Her Groom..congrates..May God bless you both Regarding you maybe helping out more with this site it's up to you if you wish to help with this site..It would be wonderful, but I'm not asking anything from you, If you feel like you would be able to help others out plus yourself, given you got the time..Super..if not I'm sure people within the group would truly understand. I'm sure this happens all the time..people always trying to get something out of you..But in all honestly it a great site you know that. I sure wish you would right some song about some big girl, becoming small and how different she's then treated and yet she the same person after all. I would love to help write that one! But Carnie, I watched you on dateline.. it really helped me.out. For I didn't know that surgery was out there to help us big ones out....And I wish to THANK YOU for that. It was my lifesaver and I'm post-op 5mths and almost 70pds gone! Your Truly Darla [email protected]
   — Darla N.

July 20, 2000
Carnie, you have been an inspiration to me for years. Always being proud of who you were and successful in yourself and your ventures. As a Hospice nurse, I am well in tuned to my patients morbidity as well as my own. To die of a diease which I can control, through surgery, is awful. I have finally been approved by my insurance company and am scheduled for surgery 8/16/00. What a wonderful thing it would be to have you come to this website and visit all of us. You are truly an angel, and we love you! Congratulations on your marriage. May you have a wonderful life together and attain God's richest blessings!
   — Joi D.

July 20, 2000
Dear Carnie: Your success and enthusiasm concerning the RNY surgery convinced me to give this option a second look. I am now scheduled for an RNY at Shands Hospital at the University of Florida, Gainesville, with Dr. Michael Hocking -- Wednesday,July 26th is the BIG DAY!! Thanks for sharing your experiences with us - continued success to you in all your endeavors!
   — Janis P.

July 20, 2000
Dear Carnie: First, congratulations on your success and your new marriage. I wish you continued success and much happiness. You are such an inspiration! It would be wonderful if you could help promote this site. It has been such a benefit to me personally. What an effect you could have combined with this informative site! Thank You. Rene`
   — Rene` B.

July 20, 2000
Dear Carnie, because of this site I have a life today! I want you to know that you have always been an inspiration to me. I have followed your career for years ("Hold On" has become my mantra for life!), and I've always thought you were beautiful, talented, and someone I would just LOVE to sit down and drink a beer with! LOL! *g* Seriously though... this is THE best site I have found for weight loss surgery. I have found so much support here, and there just isn't another site like it. I hope you will lend your support to Eric in any way you can, so that others might benefit as well. Congratulations on your marriage and on your weight loss - you are such a beautiful woman. When I grow up, I hope to be just like you! Blessings, Lisa Price
   — Lisa P.

July 20, 2000
Dear Carin, Congratulations!! on your great weight lost. i first heard of AMOS was from your site, wow!! this site has been aGod sent to me, there is so much knowledge here & support. Please come & visit us any time. Sincerely,
   — jeannie O.

July 20, 2000
Congratulations Carnie!!! It seems your life is definitely moving in the right direction. Just a few words to let you know that you are the reason I've even considered this surgery. I saw you on TV just a few months ago and saw the "transformation" post-op. You seemed so alive an happy and wasn't afraid to let the world know how the surgery benefitted you; I personally would love to see your postings on a regular basis as well as letting everyone here on the site know how well your progressing. Here's to the wonderful, spirited, adventurous life you deserve.
   — Kimberly D.

July 20, 2000
Dear Carnie: You're my inspiration, the moment I saw your struggle and plans for the RNY on national Television, I got online and researched every site that I could find.. I'm a regular to posting on your ADITH website and it also is a open forum sounding board that answered all my questions and fears..logging on your site and AMOS saved my life.. there is NO doubt in my mind. I am so grateful that you have given people all over the world the opportunity to share in your struggle with Morbid Obesity sometimes it takes a celebrity to make the difference and for that I'll be forever grateful for making this a very public issue and letting other obese people know that morbid obesity is now treatable with surgery. So many of us have given up hope, trying every New Diet know to man, or new wonder drug that comes on the market, only to be disappointed over and over again by regaining the weight plus more on top of that... By going Public with your struggle and your progress, you have given many people New Hope. You gave me hope..Hope that maybe at last there is a way to put an end to the misery that we all have suffered with obesity. When it was announced that you would have surgery on the Internet, I was thrilled and excited and very supportive for you as I am now of your accomplishments. I was Morbidly Obese, actually way past time to seriously consider a surgical solution. I researched every surgery option and decided RNY was for me.. I had surgery 12/8/99 in Nasville, Tenn. with Dr. Husted my beginning weight was 367 and now 6 months later is 235... The AMOS site is extremely easy to maneuver for PC uses and webtv..the members are more than happy to share their experiences, good, bad and the ugly, with anyone who asks. This site is not "candy Coated", some people have complications and some have even died. However, all aspects are covered and discussed, nothing is hidden, thus allowing people to make informed choices regarding the suitability of WLS for their own life and health. It is my hope that you can let more people know about the information and support available here at Come visit us at AMOS :) Thank you Carnie for placing the stones down on the path for me and others to follow... <P> Open Divided Proximal RNY 12/8/99 Beginning weight 367 Now 235...Down 132 pounds Dr. Husted, Nashville, Tenn..
   — Victoria B.

July 20, 2000
Carnie cogratulations on your weight lost you are doing real good this web site could use your support.I'm having mine 7-28.any advise would greatly be appreciated.Thank You ladybug rose
   — Rose M.

July 20, 2000
Carnie Wilson...........I am now approaching my 2 year anniversary for my open rny surgery. I am writing you to ask for your assistance in advocating may be able to get people who desperately need the support to this safe haven that Eric has created. It wasn't so long ago that you and I suffered both physically and emotionally from the effects of us to help others. Thank You, Edith Esper
   — Edith B.

July 20, 2000
Dear Carnie, I'd like to thank you for having the courage to go public with your life long weight loss struggle and your choice to have WLS as a means of overcoming that struggle. With your help, this has shed some light on a disease that hundreds of thousands suffer with each and everyday of their lives. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could educate the world to this disease i.e. morbid obesity, and prove to them once and for all that this is truly a disease, and not just a bunch of lazy people that eat to much. Perhaps then the insurance companies would recognize the disease and provide the means for which the people that need WLS for a cure could get that treatment, without having to be subjected to more humiliation by having to jump thru hoops in order to the that surgery approved. I have known about WLS since 1979 when my Stepmother underwent gastroplasty, she didn't fare as well as most patients do today. She never recovered from her complications. There fore when I started gaining weight in my late teen years. I never even considered having WLS. Instead I did the yo-yo diet and exercise for many many years. Always feeling I was a failure, because I couldn't get the weight off and keep it off. Several times in my life this person or that would suggest that I try WLS, and I always told them "No" i would never put myself thru what my Stepmother went thru just to loose weight. And I certainly didn't want to upset my Father & Stepmother by deciding to have WLS. However when my Stepmother pasted away, I got the courage up to talk to my Father about WLS, he told me that he would rather I didn't have the surgery, but if I decided that's what I needed to do, then he was behind me 100%. But I still was scared to death to even talk to my PCP about WLS. So I finally got to a point that I decided that I must be meant to be obese, so why bother even trying to loose the weight. But even having made my mind up, to accept what I couldn't change. I still struggled everyday with guilt everytime I ate anything, and hating myself for being so fat. But you changed that for me, I can't say that I saw your surgery being performed on the Internet, I didn't. But I did see you on Donny & Marie, and that really got me to thinking that maybe, just maybe there was some hope. So I got online and went to ADIYH and watched the video of your surgery, and listened to the doctors, then I started looking for more research on WLS, the first site I came across was, and I read and followed every link on the site, till I just couldn't find anything I hadn't already read. I found out during this time that I'm typeII diabetic, so I was even more motivated. Not to mention that my husband was very ill, and I was worrying rather or not he would be around in a couple yrs to help me finish raising our 2 beautiful daughters. So I decided to talk to a surgeon, thank goodness that I have a decent insurance company that will cover WLS if it's medically necessary, most are not that lucky. I have to admit that if not for, I might not of gotten my courage up to actually make that first consult appt. with a surgeon. The members of are so understanding, kind, compassionate, helpful people, they really gave me the courage I needed. Now I'm being schedule for surgery sometime in August, and I'm so looking forward to being a normal healthy person. Not a model, but just a normal woman, that has the energy to play with her kids, walk her dogs, go canoeing with her husband. So I must thank you Carnie Wilson for your courage, and for starting my journey that lead me to, the most supportive group of friends a person could ever ask for, THANK YOU! Sincerely, Arianne "Marie" Blankenship Planning to have Lap RNY early Aug/00 Link below is to my profile on
   — Arianne B.

July 20, 2000
Carnie Wanted to let you know that your story has insiped and brought hope to many people including myself. Your support is greatly needed to further educate. This site has been a very important tool for me to get information about WLS and the support that I have found here is incredible! Please consider helping this site expand and reach more people that are so desperate for hope! Thank you :)
   — Landa S.

July 20, 2000
Dear Carnie!! Just wanted to say I had my surgery right about the time you did!!! It helped me get through the recovery seeing you go through yours!! You're doing well and congrats on the marriage by the way!!! This is an A1 site!!! I didn't find it until I was almost 6 months post-op, but I have learned a lot of things and still do by asking other "posties" what they do or have done in certain situations!! We're all such different people with one thing in common....weight loss surgery!! You are a member of that group!! It has done so much for me!!! I'm almost addicted now, I come here almost everyday just to talk with other people!! I personally have lost 200lbs!! I started at 539!! I have benefited from this site A LOT!!!
   — Dawne H.

July 20, 2000
Dear Carnie, You are an inspirition to all of us considering weight loss surgery, or anyone thats had it. I also admire your awesome talent. You were very beautiful before you had the surgery, but now your georgous. I hope that after I have my surgery I'll have the results that you have had. I bet it feels so awesome to beable to cross your legs, run without killing yourself, and not to be restricted in movie seats. It's a shame these little things mean so much. It would help all heavy people if you would be apart of this web site. Thank you for your time in reading this message. Tammy Baldwin
   — Tammy B.

July 20, 2000
Dear Carnie, I applaud you on your success and on your going public with your surgery. You have been an inspiration to many. My husband and I have both had open RNY surgery this spring. We are both enjoying the new life we've been given with wls. When we began researching wls, we found the AMOS site. This site has been so thorough in helping us gain an understanding of all components of wls. The chat room and message boards have offered us incredible support. How reassuring is it for preops, post ops and those considering wls to gather together in a chat room and communicate, support and lift one another, to encourage each other, and to answer questions. The tireless efforts of Eric and his associates has made this a safe haven for the morbidly obese. This site deserves recognition because of the all emcompassing service it provides. My husband and I have had the opportunity of having a whole community support us before, during and after our surgeries. The angel network enables us to be there for one another. My husband and I have had a wonderful "angel" to support us through our surgeries. Now we are able to do likewise; visiting others who are in our area in the hospital, calling them, emailing them and supporting them. This would not be possible without this site, as it links us one to another. The profiles introduce us to each other, giving a glimpse into each others lives showing we are not alone. The ease by which this site is navigated makes it user friendly. This site has been the main focus for my husband and I and it will continue to be so. It is our hope you will support this site, as it offers so much. Sincerely, Lori "Teach" and Dennis
   — Lori W.

July 20, 2000
Dear Carnie, Congratulations on both your recent marraige and your continued sucess with your weight loss. I am soon to reach my 6 mos. post op status from my surgery which I consider to be my life saver. I have lost 75 lbs. so far. Thanks to this board. It has beneficial in so many ways. I was able to research all of my surgical options, find information about the surgeon my doctor recommended. I even had the chance to speak to former patients of his before I met with him for the first time. I was able to talk live with others who have been there before to ask questions, and after to get support. This is one of the most comprehensive sites on the internet dealing with this issue that affects so many thousands of people. Could you please offer your support for this site. A doctor in your house...where your news board is, is a wonderful site and is a good source of support. I really enjoy it. But this site is truly the best out there anywhere!!!! Rose aka LilCricket
   — Roseann Y.

July 20, 2000
Dear Carnie, This is the most fabulous WLS site I have found on the internet. There is information here to help someone find a surgeon near their home. You can find out information about different insurances. There is a very helpful Questions and Answer board. Before and after pictures of our peers. We set up profiles and can find out about each other. Friendships are started here. There is a message board and a chat room. Sharing our trials as well as our successes is wonderful. There is always someone to turn to for help, advice or just friendship. It is truly like a family here. This feeling is not duplicated on other sites I have been a part of. I have gradually given up other sites to just come here. There just isn't any comparison. You are helping to spread the word of WLS and that is wonderful. Without this site and people like you there are many of us who would have never heard of this surgery. Come join us and help spread the word about this wonderful site. We'd all love to have you.
   — Rosanne O.

July 20, 2000
DEAR CARNIE, at 560lbs and the near inability to care for myself on a "persoanl" level, this site has and is my life line. I ask myself what about the others out there who are unaware of the sea of information and the life saving support I (we) all have needed thats found here. The journey has been rough but the on-going connection to AMOS has made me relize I AM NOT ALONE! Thanks for any and all your support in shinng a brighter light on this site so those of them out there can hear---THEY ARE NOT ALONE!
   — TJ J.

July 20, 2000
Dear Carnie, Well here is your chance, before i ever found your web site. I came upon this one and it has helped so many people,including myself. And we want to be able to share the love and support to as many people as we can. But as you know things are very costly these days. And a very fun loving young man named Eric as taken the whole cost in his hands to run this web site. Which has helped many many people and this man wants so much to help us make it though to the other side as we call it. If it was not for this web site i would have never been given the chance to live again and enjoy my 2year old son. So carnie if you could find it in your heart to help us with your support. We would be able to help thousand and thousand of other people who are hurting and dying because they have no where to turn for help and support.
   — Mindy M.

July 20, 2000
Dear Carie I'am a newcomer to this site and I want you to know it has inspired me in so many ways my 48 I will have a sleep apena test on the 11 of aug and one more test I can't spell sometime in sept then I will see my surgon foe the first time then my ins co. the major thing for me is I bought a swimming suit for the first time in 30 yrs and I wen't to the local pool I didn't care what people thought of my body mass I just knew I had to exersize and swimming is the most enjoyable for me and I credit you and this site to all the people who share it Wish me luck with my ins co. I think this will be my only problem also congrat on your wedding ANN Tucker
   — ann T.

July 20, 2000
   — fradycat007

July 20, 2000
Dear Carnie, I just wanted to say that it took a lot of guts to be the poster child for WLS. Thank you so much! I'm another one that was sitting at the computer one day nursing a torn meniscus knowing that it would be a chronic problem if I didn't lose weight. I searched for your name and found your website. But then I found this one too. You inspired me to look into WLS, but inspired me to do it. This site is so comprehensive and searchable, that I think just about all of my questions have been answered. And those that aren't can be discussed with thousands of members. You've been such an inspiration to alot of us, we'd be thrilled if you stopped by for some coffee ;-D
   — Allie B.

July 20, 2000
Dear Carnie, I ask this question because in my quest for health and longevity which resulted in deciding to also have severe obesity surgery, i found a great difference between those doctors that were specifically trained to treat the obese, verses those who were not. There are some out there (surgeons) who treat obese patients mostly .. i wont say only, because during consultation you find out that these surgeons also do hernia repair, breast surgery, abdominoplasty and the like, but coupled with their technical training, they seem to have a sensitivity to our situation .. do u find that this special training benefits and affects the outcome of the patient in a positive way? .. has dr. witgrove's special sensitive training benefited u .. and if u could encourage those that read your story toward bariatric specific surgeons only, would u and if so, why .. please respond .. thank u ..
   — Vanessa B.

July 20, 2000
Dear Carnie,I had the open RNY and am 6 weeks post. I am down 45 pds. I am a mother of four wonderful kids but since age 28 have been very, very ill. I have had a stroke. I have Multiple Sclerosis. And i've had a Brain Stem Tumor and was in a very bad car wreck. Due to inability to move around and steroids i gained a LOT of weight. This led to my WLS. But i find now i cannot eat. I do not wish to eat. I hate food. I am afraid of it! How do you overcome it? You have done so well and look wonderful. Do you have any secrets you can share? Wishing you the very best in all that you do.. Take care. Dani
   — Danniel K.

July 20, 2000
Dear Carnie, I started looking into wls about 6 months ago and then I came across this web site and it has been a life savor. I just read all the questions and answers and I have learned so much. Everyone seems like a old friend that are willing to give us courage we need. I am waiting for my insurance like now. I am so glad you have done so well, any advise for us the ones (in waiting)? thanks Cathy
   — Cathy B.

July 21, 2000
Dear Carnie, In writing this note, I am urging you to consider supporting this site. I am a 32 year old wife and mother of two. I have struggled with my weight since birth. In 1996, I underwent a VBG. This procedure worked for a period of time, only to have it fail with complications, leading to a reversal. On July 7th I underwent an open RNY. Carnie, I was orginally inspired to undergo this last surgery after watching your success. I have been following your outcome since the day of your surgery. However, I have found 98% of my support on the AMOS website. The information I have received on this site has empowered me with knowledge I never thought possible. The information comes from people that have "been there, done that"! These people are dedicated to the success of weight loss for all Morbid Obesity sufferers. Not only have I found support here, but through this site I have obtained information for local support. I believe with an endorsement from someone with your celebrity status, many others could benefit from this site. Sincerely, LaNora Livingston
   — LaNora L.

July 21, 2000
Hi There, This site has helped me soooo much. My doctor did not offer an ounce of support post op. I was so alone. Then I found this site and it has been exactly what I needed. My fears are shared with a dozen other people like me. I get through the rough spots here. Lots of obese people are in need of a big shoulder, or a hand to hold, for various reasons. The world can be a lonely place for anyone, but expecially for people who don't "fit in" or look the part. Hope you'll stick around and inspire others, just because you can. There IS more happiness in giving, so you'll benefit the most. :+) Take care.
   — Toni B.

July 21, 2000
Hi Carnie, Last October you were on Howard Stern. I was so excited about what I heard that I decided to look into this surgery. I went directly to the site you discussed (A Doctor In Your I read the site and the archives for days. I still read the postings each day. I followed a link from one of the postings to this site. Here I got tons of very important information. I was able to search for doctors by state and to find out that my insurance company generally approves this surgery without problem. I have spent hours in the chat room here. This site is a priceless tool in researching Weight Loss Surgery. It would be a great service to people if you included this site when you do promotional appearances. I had surgery December 9, 1999 in Philadelphia and am down 121 lbs. I help moderate an on-line support group and have set up a local live support group. I consider this surgery to be a gift and want to help others get the gift as well. Thank you Carnie for giving me (and thousands of others) the gift of the knowledge of this surgery.
   — Marjie W.

July 21, 2000
Dear Carnie, I am so proud of you for going public with your surgery. It means a lot to all of us! There are so many people out there that do not understand these sugeries and will not take the time to. If only we'd diet and quit being pigs. I've heard that until I'm sick of it. By you going public, maybe some of these people will maybe take the time to notice that this is not the quick fix end-it-all solution that most people think it is. That this is a last resort for most of us, or we wouldn't even be considering such a drastic measure. Good luck in your journey. :-) Peace.
   — Sherri O.

July 21, 2000
Dear Carnie, I recently looked at your wedding pictures on your site and wanted to let you know that you are a beautiful bride. You look absolutely marvelous. You have been such an inspiration to me. I had WLS in 1984 and had staple line breakdown....your story and you made me consider having it revised. I had very good luck with my original surgery and lost 170 lbs. I gained back 120 lbs., but I remember oh so well how I felt and the changes that took place in my life. I wish you were more involved with the obesityhelp site....this site is a life send. You can always find someone who needs some help and always someone there to help you when you need something. I go to this site for a couple hours each day. I am in the process of getting my approval for revision and many times I need some reassurance and this is the site to do it. There are so many members here from all over the world and you would be able to touch so many peoples lives if your presence was known here. Thanks for your time and keep up the good are truly a beautiful woman inside and out......oh yes...and so very very talented....I love your voice. Terijay
   — Terry M.

July 21, 2000
Carnie,thank you for coming out & letting the world know there is an answer to obesity. Your courage has inspired so many of us. Thank you! Please let others know of this site as it is full of information for those exploring the possibility of WLS. It also supports an online chat room to relate one on one or as a group. Congratulations to you on your recent marriage. I can't wait to see what lies ahead for you & yours. Thanks again! Brenda Flugum lap rny 8/25/00
   — Brenda F.

July 21, 2000
Dear Carnie, Because of your courage to go public with your surgery and because of this great group of people on the AMOS board, I have had my first surgical consult and now am waiting (impatiently, I might add!) for insurance approval and a surgery date. As you know, being morbidly obese is no fun. You have helped so many people to get out of their prison of fat and so have all the others on this board. We would really be so honored to have you join us here to spread the word to others who are considering surgery and to all the people who aren't "blessed" with this affliction and who need to be educated about morbid obesity. Hoping to see you around here soon. --Libby
   — Libby B.

July 21, 2000
Dear Carnie: Thank you for sharing your personal struggle with your weight. One person sharing their experience can help so many more! That is what is all about. To learn and share experiences and make new friends. To provide support and help others get past their prejudices of obesity. From I have learned of another website,, to assist in fighting the insurance companies approve the procedure for weight loss surgery. You can help! I downloaded a pre-written letter to be sent to our President, Senators, and other important legislative people involved in writing laws. You can help bring exposure to this matter! The first step can be associating with Bringing attention to the many, many obese people and the wonderful resource this website is. Thank you for taking the time to read our messages! I wish you the best of everything in your new life after weight loss surgery! Regards, Betty McCombs
   — betty890

July 21, 2000
Dear Carnie THANK YOU! Because of your courage I found out about surgery last summer. I started researching immediately and was denied once, switched insurance and had surgery on 2/18/00. I started at 367 and Im 5'3 I have lost down to 281 pounds. I have a long way to go, but have a wonderful support system here with many friends that I have met through surgery with the same doctor. I had the Open Roux-en-Y type surgery, with Fobi Pouch and Panniculectomy. I love having my new flat tummy. I hope you can become involved in some way with this site. I love it. This is the first place I came and learned more about surgery after seeing you on tv. They are doing a wonderful job here and the people are so helpful. God bless to your and your new husband. Teresa Kauppinen (to see my pics and story)
   — Teresa K.

July 21, 2000
Dear Carnie, I have been to many site on the internet concerning weight loss surgery, and I am truely happy with AMOS. I have been to your site and I think it is very nice but for most people at least trying to research other sites open up many doors to a better understanding of what Obesity Surgery is all about. Please if you have a chance and some extra time can you at least stop by and check this site out and support in every way you possibly can because you know what it means to so many people. Hoping that this thought reaches you through understanding. Charlene
   — darkbrowngirl2003

July 21, 2000
Carnie, I hope you take some time to come and check out this great web site. It has really helped me in so many ways. I mostly enjoy the chat and have met many people there that I can relate too. Also because I posted my profile here on this site I have met many people in my state who have had or who are going to have weight loss surgery. As a matter of fact five of them came to visit me in the hospital, and I have some new friends. Also we have started a support group over the email for the people in my state. I had my surgery on June 26, I weighed 454 lb and I have lost 36 lb so far. I am very pleased with my surgery. It would be great if you could join us at this great place. Thank you. Tammy Dunn
   — Tammy D.

July 21, 2000
WOW! Did you realise how many people were being helped because of you? It may be uncomfortable sometimes, but I hope you see that you were the catalyst for so many people being able to choose life...(even if George Michael wore the shirt in his video!) May you be blessed. Thank you for everything. Ge-Anne
   — Ge-Anne

July 21, 2000
Dear Carnie, Please consider supporting For so many of us this is the only way we can connect with other people and get information about this life saving procedure. Many of us are/were housebound due to our obesity and our co-morbidities. This site provides a controled forum where we can gather information and get support from people who are experiencing the same things we are. My PMD was NOT helpful or supportive in my quest for WLS. My pleas for this surgery went on for over six years until I discovered this site. This site provided me with the information I needed to get the health care I needed.
   — [Anonymous]

July 21, 2000
Dear Carnie, I do hope you'll consider being more involved with this website. After going through the surgery (not to mention the years of torture before it), you are uniquely positioned to understand all of the issues that we have to deal with daily. I have found you to be an inspiration in so many ways, and as you can see from the other responses, you have that effect on many. Congratulations on your marriage, and I do hope to see your posts here in the near future. Sincerely, Stephanie L.
   — Luci L.

July 21, 2000
Carnie, I was in the hospital in January with congestive heart failure. I lived through it, but the doctor told me that if I didn't lose weight I would die. As a last resort I was checking the Internet for that "one final diet" that I was going to make work this time. While checking for diets, I ran across this site. I haven't slept a full night since. I just couldn't believe what I had found. Here were people just like me. They had the same problems I had. They had been hurting just like I had been hurting. Since that time, I have found a surgeon, whose name is Robert Rutledge, in North Carolina. I have a surgery date and will have the Mini-Gastric Bypass on September 6. Bottom line.......This site has saved my life. For the first time is my life, I have hope. I have talked with Eric a time in the chat room, but he couldn't possibly know the magnitude of what this site has done for us. This site should be known world-wide. People everywhere should know just what we have here. I love Eric for allowing me to have the opportunity to live. Tanya Beamon
   — Tanya B.

July 21, 2000
Dear Carnie: First of all, Congratulations on what you've done for yourself!!! Because of you and many others like you, WLS is becoming a topic of discussion. One year ago this month, I happened to stumble on Eric Klein's "little" site and it changed my life. I found real people I could chat with and "talk" to about their WLS experiences. I got tips on researching the procedures and how to make sure a surgeon is right for my needs. This has been an indespensible tool for me. I am 6 months post-op and minus 93 pounds! I am happy to say that I can go out for regular walks and bike rides, which gives me less time to visit the site but when I do I find all sorts of new things. Please mention this site as people seeking the tool of WLS need more avenues to be sure they are getting the whole picture. I recommend it not only for prospective patients, but also to their families and healthcare professionals. Everyone that comes into contact with a WLS "veteran" or "newbie" that has a question or concern should see this site. Thank you Eric and to all your staff for this precious tool! Sincerely, Jodie L. Hay
   — Jodie H.

July 22, 2000
Hi Carnie, what you have done is wonderful. I hope to have the surgery also.Why is it that famous people won't let people know what struggles they are having with problems that other people have and how their answers have helped them . Just think if Big Mama Cass could have had or even known about this type of thing she might still be alive today. Oh I know she didn't die from her weight but if she'd of had the surgery she wouldn't or couldn't have eaten that sandwich, and she'd still be hear to sing today. We all love you but please help Eric out with this site , it's a life saver for all of us unfamous people that just want to live. Thanks for your help in this matter . Lots of hugs, Patsy Cline

July 22, 2000
Dear Carnie, I am one of many that have followed your example to have surgery to control obesity. Please become more of a participant here at While many of us have had surgery you are the best known public spokesperson for us. Please help. Thank you!
   — char T.

February 15, 2001
Dear Carnie, You were the element in my decision to have gastric bypass surgery. Do you know how much of an inspiration you are to MILLIONS? My mother's side of the family morbidly obese, and our family has a history of Cancer's, Stroke, High Blood Pressure, and diabetes. I first saw you after you had the surgery on the Men are From Mars, Women Are From Venus with Cybill Shepard. My uncle told me about this kind of surgery, but I never gave it a second thought until I saw your story on t.v. You gave me the inspiration to make a change in my life. Please join in AMOS, because we all are so inspired by you!! I grew up feeling left out of my family..the black sheep. I "hear" and understand how it feels to be in a fat person's shoes. I only wish the teasers would walk a mile in our shoes. Because of you and my bad health probs., I'm gonna do it for myself, once and for all.
   — Jennifer C.

February 15, 2001
Dear Carnie, I cannot tell you how much any overweight person can identify with you, including myself, of course. I had heard of "stomach stapling" but thought it was something only terribly obese people, like those over 500lbs had done. I never thought of myself as obese, never the less morbidly obese. I had heard you had your surgery broadcast live on the internet and I wondered why. When I saw you on the cover of People magazine I thought, "My God, that could be me too!" Now I know why you did it. It was a drastic change you had to make and one you wanted to share with your fans. Because of you, I looked into RNY surgery. Because of what I have learned at and the terrific surgeon I have found through this site, I will be having the RNY on February 27, 2001. Although I am still pre-op at this time, I want you to know what an amazing inspiration you are to me. I would not have survived these days of waiting and fear without the support I have received from this website. I would beg and encourage you to use your celebrity to help us spread the word of this unbelievable site of information and rescources to everyone who feels as though they have failed and have no choices. Also, as I have read here, many people have enormous medical bills due to the fact that many insurances will not pay for this life saving surgeries. I would implore you to speak out about your "afterlife" and become an activist for people who want to share your dream. Weight Watchers has Fergie, we want you!!!!!!! We have all been to hell, and we want to share in the happiness that you must feel being reborn and newly married. Congratulations to you on your imense success. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. You have made these dream seem possible to millions of people who thought they were alone. Warmest Regards, Kathleen Sqalli
   — Kathy831

February 15, 2001
Dear Carnie, If you read my profile, as well as I am sure some others, here at AMOS, you will see that my journey for WLS started when I saw you on 20/20 for your first time. That was the impetus for my research and subsequent WLS a year ago. I just wanted to take the time to tell you "Thank you!" for caring enough to share your journey with us all.
   — M B.

February 16, 2001
I dont mean to be overly critical but just and fyi..Mama cass died from a heart attack not from a ham sandwich. Wls very well could have saved her life.
   — [Anonymous]

February 16, 2001
Dear Carnie, I have eagerly followed your progress since you announced that you would be having WLS surgery. You have been such an inspiration to me as well as thousands across the world. I even have your recent cover from People Magazine on my refrigerator to serve as a reminder that I can do it too. This web site has been a god send to me in my research of this surgery. I feel that I am about 95% prepared to undergo this monumental task that stands before me. I come here daily just to get a dose of positive thoughts to keep me going. I would love to see you partcipate in our site. Thanks for helping all of us who thought we had no answers.
   — Wendy H.

February 16, 2001
Dear Carnie, Thank you for coming public about your life and your surgery. I truly believe that this has helped more people than you will ever relise. I remember Last year around this time I wanted to go on another 1,999 diet or exercise program to get this weight off. I was 349 lbs 5.2 and living a misurable life. I did not accept it was because of my weight. I thought that how I was feeling physically was I was going thru the change of life at 39....Anyway I joined another health fitness and I went for 2 months until my body was screaming in pain. TO STOP EXERCISING. You cant bounce 349 lbs around to easily without getting hurt or damaging the product. I knew I had to do something so I went to my Doctor for a complete physical which I had not had in 10-15 years. I found that I had Sleep Apnea, Acid reflex, high Coloristroil servre joint pain. And diabeatic,heart attach, stroks,all runs very high in our family. When I came home with all my test results I held my head down in shame,guilt, and I actually hit my knees and cryed to GOD to please help me again. After million of prayers for him to help me diet. I have always failed. I felt my whole diet life was a failer.....I never really cryed out for help like I did that night in early Oct 2000, and than when I lifted my head I got up and walked over to the computer and I went to a search engine and I keyed in "FAT REDUCTIONS BY SURGERY" This is where I found this wonderful life saving website. This is the place I no longer felt like a failer, or that I was alone. or had to be ashame of who I am. Or because of not being able to take care of myself. list will go on and on. But as I ready other stories, profiles, pro cons. For once I felt there was hope for me too. I found my wonderful surgeion on this website. I also followed your story and you have helped me to understand that this is a diease. That I no longer have to hold my head down in shame. I never asked to be fat. I just loved food, and it Loved me. I would love for you to help support this website. And some how carry the message to other to help with the people here that are trying to get approved thru there insurance company. That this is really medically neccary, for thousand of people here alone. I had my surgery Jan 15. 2001, my last weight in which was Feb 9, I was down 28 lbs. I know it is more now but will see next friday. I know I ramble alot but truly you are a God send to so many of us. I have the People Magazine also that I keep around to help me because I know I can do it to. DREAMS DO COME TRUE FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE. I BELIEVE....^J^ ^j^ PS I would be totally lost without this website. and I have made so many friends that can wear my shoes, and I can wear there shoes>>>>>>
   — jay B.

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