Does anyone have any remedies to get food unstuck?

I have had something stuck since last night and now can't seem to drink anything without vomiting it all back up. Can it take this long for something to pass?    — [Anonymous] (posted on June 27, 2000)

June 26, 2000
Someone who posted on this subject said to use meat tenderizer and water. I don't if it works or not. I never tried it.
   — Sharon T.

June 26, 2000
Someone who posted on this subject said to use meat tenderizer and water. I don't if it works or not. I never tried it.
   — Sharon T.

June 27, 2000
someone posted meat tenderizer. I was also told this. I tried it. This tenderizer caused a severe reaction and began to eat at my esophagus. I wouldn't suggest anyone try it.
   — [Anonymous]

June 27, 2000
I heard chewable mylicon can help something go down if it is stuck.
   — Lynn K.

June 27, 2000
I have read that meat tenderizer works too, but, so you don't vomit and it doesn't burn, use just a little in a glass of water every couple of min. You should be drinking it. Just beware it is very salty tasting. If you vomit or it burns you are using too much. Good Luck
   — [Anonymous]

June 27, 2000
Hi, You can try using some meat tenderizer. Mix about a tablespoon of meat tenderizer into 2-3 oz warm water and drink it. The next step will be to have a gastroenterologist do an EGD and go after the blockage. Hope this helps!
   — Laura P.

June 27, 2000
Depending on what is stuck, sometimes a few hard coughs help me. Strange as it may sound, I have also resorted to jumping up and down, and that has also worked occasionally. Self-induced vomiting has also been effective in extreme instances, although I would suggest that be the absolute LAST resort. I would suggest however that if it's been stuck since last night and you can't keep anything down, you should call your surgeon or PCP and be seen in clinic or ER. The longest I have suffered is several hours at a time and that was pure torture. My heart goes out to you. All the best.
   — [Anonymous]

June 27, 2000
I also read somewhere on here that Pineapple juice (with no sugar) will act like a tenderizer as well. I have not tried it but that is what I heard and I kept note of it. Maybe someone else has heard about that.
   — [Anonymous]

July 6, 2000
When I feel as though food is stuck, I take a long walk. This may sound weird, but for me it works. In fact, I just got back from a nice long walk, because food was stuck and I could not finish eating my little portion of dinner, and I feel so much better. Try it, it just might work for you too. Good Luck, Linda
   — Linda F.

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