Please, I need Help!

My PCP is very supportive. He wants to do chest x-rays, ekg, blood work, etc. However, before he does this and give me a medical clearance he wants to do it 2 weeks before surgery date. Now, my surgeon won't proceed with insurance, etc. until after I get my medical clearance. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. What shall I do? Have any of you ever heard of such. Please let me hear from you.    — Lillian G. (posted on June 13, 2000)

June 13, 2000
This doesn't make much sense to me. It sounds like maybe your PCP and surgeon need to talk to each other because they are placing you in the middle. It's possible that the situation is do-able though. But it depends on how your medical tests are carried out and how long it will take them to get the results to your surgeon. For example, if the tests are done at the same hospital where your surgeon is, and they are all done on the same day or in 2 days, then you'll be ok. However in my case, my HMO (Kaiser) had its own rules, and I had to schedule EVERY test at a separate facility on a separate day. This process took me 5-6 weeks to complete, and it would have taken longer if I had not been diligent about scheduling or getting after them about my results. So you need to find out first how your insurance schedules these tests and then go from there. Good luck to you:)
   — Paula G.

June 13, 2000
are you sure you did not misunderstand? I HAD to have bloodwork ,ugi, and sonogram and cardiogram 2 weeks prior to surgery. You need to talk to your PCP and your surgeon. Good Luck
   — Rose A.

June 13, 2000
You should explain to your doctor that you would like for him to do the needed test that he needs to do the support letter and that your surgeon will also request that all the test be done again two weeks prior to surgery and that he would have his staff send him a copy. You need to have your surgeon call and discuss this with your PCP. Are have his staff talk with your PCP that they need the letter from him to preceded with get approval and setting up a surgery date. Good Luck ....
   — [Anonymous]

June 13, 2000
Wow...Do we have the same doctors??? However, my problems seem to be the staff....and my surgeon changing hospitals. I am two days short of my second scheduled date and have now found out that I should have scheduled Pre testing myself...two weeks before I even knew I had a date. Everyone loses my records, never sends letters, and when you question them, it seems like you are annoying them..My PCP has been great though. My suggestion...If you do the tests, whether once or twice, get your own copies and deliver them yourself.
   — Carole C.

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