Does tightening up your stomach muscles help with the tummy tuclk

I am almost 1 year post-op and will be seeing my surgeon in July. We are going to talk about my tummy tuck (though I'm planning on doing it in 2001). My questions is I've been working very hard a getting my stomach muscles tighter, I've been working on getting everything else tighter too! I have a friend who had a tummy tuck and she had a really rough time, my understanding is they have to cut your stomach muscles, I'm looking for some feedback from anyone who's already had the tummy tuck and does it help or hinder if your stomach muscles are as tight as you can get them? I'm hoping to have mine tight enough that maybe the surgeon won't have to do as much cutting!!!!!!!! I am more scared and worried about this surgery than I was about my first one! Any words of wisdom and experience?    — Carrie G. (posted on June 13, 2000)

June 12, 2000
Hi, In researching this topic, I have found that there are 2 different surgeries. The panniculectomy (sp?) is just the skin removal and tightening, the abdominoplasty involves the muscles also. If you check out the reconstructive surgery sites you will find a wealth of information. Good luck, wish I were where you are. Jill
   — Jill C.

June 13, 2000
Hi Carrie, I had a tummy tuck about 3 years ago and have to say it was one of the best decisions I've made (next to the wls that is). Based on what my surgeon told me, they do no cut the ab muscles, what they do is they suture the 2 adjacent ab muscles together. Any abdominal exercise is fine, but will not really affect the outcome or pain you may experience. My weight went up to 240 lbs. after my tummy tuck and let me tell you, for a fat girl, I had the flattest stomach around, since you don't gain much weight in that area after the surgery. However, you will gain it everywhere else. Now that I have lost 50 lbs. my tummy still looks marvelous...and so will yours. Don't fret over the pain, if you made it through an OPEN rny you will do terrific. I have one word for you to remember, ***percocet***, if you use it after surgery you should be just fine. In my experience, the tummy tuck was easier to tolerate than the rny and I had the LAP procedure! You will be so happy with the results, good luck and take care...

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