4 weeks post-op and have had a disgusting taste/ bueild up in my mouth.
it's the worst after i've been asleep all night. has anyone experienced it and does it go away? — [Anonymous] (posted on May 24, 2000)
May 23, 2000
It seems that everyone who experiences rapid, significant weight loss
(whether from surgery or stringent dieting) also experiences this "bad
breath" to some degree. Because you're taking in dramatically less
calories than before, your body begins to burn its own fat stores for
energy. This process is called ketosis and causes the bad breath and taste
in your mouth. Drinking as much water as you can through the day seems to
help, and as your weight loss slows down a little over the next weeks and
months, it shouldn't be as noticeable. "Binaca for Smokers" is a
spray that is the most effective thing I've may become your best
friend when you have to be close to people! Also, I've heard other
patients refer to Altoids (breath mints) as a real lifesaver for this
problem. Good luck!
— Diana T.
May 23, 2000
I usually keep sweet breath that you get from gas stations in my purse and
at work I use a bottle of listerine.
— Sharon T.
May 24, 2000
The bad taste in your mouth, and "dry mouth," if you have that,
is the price we are forced to pay with this surgery. Make sure you brush
yhour teeth a lot, or they will rot out quickly.
— [Anonymous]
May 26, 2000
Sometimes the rapid weight loss will cause bad breath. Also, if you enter
into protein or iron deficiency, your breath can become practically
unbearable. Be sure your supplments are the correct ones for people who
have had WLS, as some are not properly absorbed by us.
— vitalady
March 16, 2002
One thing I do that always works is,I brush the back of my toungue really
good. Use just a little toothpaste. I use Kid's toothpaste because it
tastes milder and works well. Dena K.
— Dena K.
March 17, 2002
I also had THRUSH when I left the hospital and didn't know it... it makes
everything taste horrid, your mouth is swollen and hurts. Your tongue will
be covered with a whitish build up and it looks as though your taste buds
are white as well. Just a thought.
— Karen R.
June 5, 2002
I had thrush when I came home, 5 days post-op, but didn't know. Nothing
tasted good, I smelled like a diaper, and had thick speech. I just went
back in for a mega-dose of antibiotic IVs. Before I came home, I inquired
as to whether I had thrush. I did. Got the prescription and now (16 hours
later) am noticing a significant improvement. I have heard that eating
yogurt can improve mild cases. Major point is that this would NOT have
been diagnosed if I had not stumbled on the question in this website.
— Karen F.
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