Is it possible for RNYers to have NO problems POST-OP?

Please don't think me rude, but I am trying to get a realistic picture of post-op life for the RNY procedure. Many people here at AMOS talk about revisions, endoscopy, hernia repair and stomatic ulcers. This concerns me greatly. I was wondering if this is the rule, or the exception with this type of surgery. I would truly appreciate your input. I think you are all a great bunch of people. I think all of you make this site a very valuable tool for those of us looking for information. Thank you for your help.    — Deletta L. (posted on May 20, 2000)

May 20, 2000
Well, I can only speak for myself, but I had a very uneventful recovery with no problems except making a few poor food choices. I was high risk going in, too, with lung disease and some other co-morbidities, but I came through it just fine. Had very little pain in the hospital and was back to my old routine within days of coming home. Not all of us have problems. . . *S* Good Luck!
   — Carla I.

May 20, 2000
Hi. I had open rny a year ago and had have no problems, a very dull and smooth recouperation time, thank god! I have two friends who have had it done with no problems also.
   — Darlene E.

May 22, 2000
I had surgery on 1-24-2000 and I have had no problems to speak of. If i eat to much I am alittle uncomfortable. But I have never gotten sick. It is a wonderful thing to have done. I have lost 63 pounds so far. hope it works as good for you. You have to follow the doctors orders. That is the most important thing to the working of the surgery. Dawn
   — Dawn T.

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