Burning pain at the site of the tube or leakage at lower end of incicision?

I had open RNY 8 days ago - have been home for 4. I am having a lot more drainage at the lower end of the incision than I was prepared for - about 1/2 to 1 cup each time. The fluid looks like what was collected in the tube that was removed prior to my discharge from the hospital. This most often happens after I shower and the skin is soft and warm. The Dr.'s office says this is fairly normal and can even promote healing. Has anyone else experienced this? It seems that before it leaks, there is a lot of pressure build up at the site of the drain tube. The other drain tube is doing the normal thing - I empty it as directed. Any thoughts about how long this could last?    — Diane S. (posted on April 19, 2000)

April 19, 2000
I had surgery on April 12. Was discharged on the 16th. I only have one tube in my stomach. And yes it is discharging at the opening. What I do is use some peroxide and water cotton balls and dap the drainage area it seem to help. I also tape down my tube so that it didn't get in the way. I also dap my stiches to help promote healing a little faster. It seems to work for me.
   — Sharon T.

April 19, 2000
Hi Diane, As a surgical nurse I can say that this is a normal occurrence and can promote healing as it cleanses the surgical site of old blood and waste. It usually only last about 2 weeks. You should at least see it decrese alot by then. Hope this helps!
   — Laura P.

April 19, 2000
I had surgery Monday the 10th and also have problems with a clear but pink discharge from the bottom inch or so of my incision in the past few days. I was told it's normal and all I've done for it is to keep the area clean. I've also applied sterilized gauze squares loosely (just lay them on top) to sop up any moisture from getting on my sheets or nightgown. Glad to know it isn't just me...
   — Alicia B.

June 23, 2002
I have oozing from a few of my stitches and I panicked. I paged my surgeon in the middle of the night, and she said unless it is something like a cup of blood, don't worry about it. If you have that must, I would want to talk to the doctor. It's the weekend, so page him or her. Look at it this way, you'll get past the office staff watch dogs who just give you lip service and you'll have the peace of mind of talking directly to your doctor. Better to possibly over-react than have to battle an infection that could be avoided!
   — suitfugue

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