How much contact with friends did you have/want while in the hospital?

Here's a question for all you post ops (or even pre-ops looking forward). How much contact with your internet buddies did you feel like having while you were in the hospital and then later when you were at home recouperating? Would you have liked more contact with friends? If so, via which means? What would it have meant to you to have received an card on your 2nd day post op? On the other hand, did you possibly receive too much attention from contacts calling in when you just wanted to be left alone? Please share your thoughts with us.    — ericklein (posted on March 15, 2000)

March 15, 2000
You know. I think this is a great program. I had the surgery last year In Newark Universaty hospital. I prayed that their would be someone whom related to my condition,& would email, Or just comunicate with me. I was alone than my husband while I was in the hospital worked, I could have had someone by my side to get suggestions to, Or even a push, or a kind word coming my way. I think this is great. I think all people everyone is in need for this time & moment. [email protected]
   — Diana B.

March 15, 2000
Eric, Since Lady Chaos and i had ours done at the same time, quite a few people called to see how we were doing from this site. While the calls were VERY appreciated, I had a hard time answering the phone and talking the 1st 2 days as the morphine kept me in a fog! A fax would have lifted my spirits just as well, or better, because I could read it when I was coherent, and even reread it without it being intrusive. Great ideas Eric!
   — M B.

March 15, 2000
eric, im glad you asked...i didn't feel like talking on the phone or having anyone visit me except the nurses there to help for about 3 days..then i was wishing i'd been nicer so my friends would call me again! ha...3 days is what i'd give it...that gives us a chance to clear our head from the drugs also...
   — Shelly G.

March 15, 2000
Eric, My days in the hospital were spent in and out of coherency,{due to pain med.} so I really didn't feel like visiting much, but when I got home this site was my "life-line." {still is} It's nice to know we are all in this thing together, loving on, and supporting each other. Keep up the good work!
   — Dani J.

March 15, 2000
Good question Eric! I was alone, I was too far from home for my kids and spouse to visit. The 1st couple of days was fine, I prefered to be alone, but the next few days were lonely, phone calls were ok, but one or two visitors would've been nice, especially because I was in a private room, I began to feel isolated and more depressed. Just my experience, Thank-you for asking...Debi :)
   — Debi K.

March 15, 2000
Hi Eric, Basically I was alone for the 8 days I was in the hospitl. My boyfriend, who could have stayed with me 24/7 got the flu and I banned him from the room. My daughter was only able to come twice and I had a friend who came once. I would have loved to have an angel, it was a very lonely time.
   — kaydeeb16

March 15, 2000
Eric, I would have loved to have more visitors. I was feeling depressed and lonely most of the time. I walked the halls and talked to whomever I could just to have human contact as I had a private room and it was very quiet in there. My fiancee came when he could every night after work but during the day I would have liked to have talked to someone. There are so many emotions you go through that it would have been great to be reassured that I was normal. The nurses just didn't understand at all.

March 16, 2000
After having 8 surgries, I can tell you that less company is better as long as you have one main caregiver who stays with you and is VERY supportive. It takes a speical person to sit in a hospital room day in day out and put up with a loved one. A BIG THANK YOU to all of you and to my SPECIAL one, my husband.
   — Shelly T.

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