
Hi, all. Well just a note to say that now I am just 11 days away from having surgery and I keep thinking maybe I shouldn't and then I can't wait. I am a neverous wreck. I hope I can get a little calmer. I am just kinda of scared. Any words of encouragement would be appreciated. Hope I am doing the right thing. Goodbye to fat I hope. Thanks for listening. Dawn    — Dawn T. (posted on January 12, 2000)

January 12, 2000 is okay to be scared. Major surgery is always a scary thing. Don't let the fear get the best of you though. You are making a great investment in yourself. You are brave enough to commit to a new life! I'm 11 months post op now, -105 lb, and my BMI has gone from 42.9 to 25.7. Look to the future and stay strong! Good luck!!
   — Roseann M.

January 12, 2000
Dear Dawn, I remember that feeling oh so well. I almost backed out at the last minute. I am now over 4 months post and I have lost 55 lbs and I am doing very well. I am not sorry that I decided to do this. I think that it will add yrs to my life. I no longer am diabetic and no longer have high blood pressure it is amazing the changes you go thru. Good luck to you and see ya on the thin side. P.s. I am also from michigan. tina
   — Tina F.

January 12, 2000
Hi Dawn, I can definitely relate to the scared feelings. My surgery is scheduled for 1/17/00. The one thing that is keeping me from being really scared is that I have so much to do before Monday. I literally don't have time to focus on the fear. I am going to my mom's house in another city, so I have to make sure things are straight in my house. My advice would be to pray about it and keep busy. This has worked for me.
   — kris R.

January 12, 2000
Hi Dawn, I am now 7 months post op. I have lost 98 pounds and feel better than I have in over 20 years! I had open RNY and was like you very frightened and at the same time wanting to do this. This has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. The loosing has really been very simple and I am still amazed that I am really loosing weight. I am "not" hungry and haave had very few side effects. I have gone from a size 3-4X(30) to a very comfortable size 1-2X(24). And I can sit in all chairs again! Even the ones with arms on them in the doctors offices and the movie theaters! You will be so glad that you did this in a few months of being post op. If you want to chat my ICQ#46715616 or you can email me directly at [email protected] Good luck and I will keep you in my thoughts. Cheri
   — Cheri H.

January 12, 2000
Hi Dawn: There'd be something wrong with you if you WEREN'T scared! This is major stuff! It will change the rest of your life. I had my open proximal RNY at the end of July and I've lost 88 pounds. My sleep apnea is gone, my blood pressure is down, the swelling in my legs and feet is gone, my wedding rings are falling off! My face is the one I remember from years ago. I can walk for hours, ride roller coasters, sit in an airplane seat, enjoy going to the movies, and wear clothes I thought I'd never be able to get into again. Yup, it was scary, but I'd do it again, and again, and again! It was definitely the right decision for me. Good luck, take time for yourself and relax. Pray if you're inclined to do that. Spend time with your loved ones, real time. I spent the last week before my surgery making memories with my daughter, just in case something happened. I didn't want her last memories of me to be of cleaning house, but rather of walking on the beach and picnicing in the park. I've lost 88 pounds, and feel great! Jaye Carl, open proximal RNY 7-29-99, starting weight 300, currently 212!~
   — Jaye C.

January 13, 2000
Hi Dawn. I think we post-ops have all been there at one time. I posted a similar posting about 2 weeks before my surgery and got such beautiful responses. Within 1 week of my surgery (12/9) I had a wonderful calm come over me. I knew I was doing the right thing. Good Luck to you, keep us posted on your progress. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
   — Marjie W.

January 14, 2000
I just wanted to thank all that responed to my posting. It really meant alot to me. I do feel much better now. Most of the things I read on here are everyones troubles and trying to answers which is good, but I need to hear some good things about the wls. Thanks so very much from the bottom of my heart . Dawn
   — Dawn T.

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