I'm 9 wks postop and have only lost 32 lbs. I read somewhere that you

lose 1/2 your weight in 3 months. If thats the case I'm not going to make it. How accurate is this estimate. I had RNY distal. I needed to lose 100 lbs. I average now about 2 lbs a week and I had 2 weeks I didn't lose anything. I eat very little, drink most of my water.    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 29, 1999)

November 29, 1999
do not worry. i had only lost 25 pounds at 8 weeks post op. i think that since you do not have but 100 to lose that your weight loss is going to be a little slower. i only had to lose 100 myself and it took about a year to do it. i just started walking more when i did not lose weight quickly enough to suit me and i cut down on the carbohydrates. good luck. lorinda
   — Lorinda M.

November 29, 1999
Don't be too disheartened by a slow loss, people lose at different rates. I was getting depressed about having such a slow rate of loss but my surgeon said I was within normal range-just at the low end. I gained 5 pounds in the hospital and lost only 8 lbs. by my 2 week check up. I am now down by 23 lbs at 7 weeks but it is a steady rate. Keep your hopes up (I know it's hard), but as long as the scale isn't going up you are on the right path. Good luck and continued loss.
   — Lois S.

November 29, 1999
I dont think thats true about half of your weight loss. Keep drinking your water, exercising n it will start again. Sometimes the body rests
   — snicklefritz

November 30, 1999
my patients generally lose 1/2 their weight in 6-7 months, not 3 months. Exercise in the morning, avoid high calorie drinks like ice cream and milkshakes and soda, and stick to 2-3 meals per day and you will continue to lose.
   — Bruce B.

December 1, 1999
The statistic that I heard is that most people lose one third of their total body weight in the first year. So if you are 300 pounds before surgery after a year you would be 200 pounds. Everyone is different though. Some lose quicker and others lose slower. Keep up the exercise and the water drinking!! ~:o)
   — Lisa O.

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