I'm 6 weeks post op and I go back to work on Wednesday.

Does anybody have and suggestions on how to keep clothes away from incision. I'm so sinsitive their I seems like it actually hurts if my clothes rub againt it.    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 8, 1999)

November 8, 1999
I have not had the Roux-en-Y surgery yet. I understand that the incision is quite large. I have had other surgeries, though. I can suggest that you wear a thin bandage over the incision site. There are also topical anesthetics that are available over the counter, probably the same ones that you would use for a sunburn. It will take a while for the skin to heal completely, especially if irritated. Try one of my suggestions or contact your surgeon's nurse to see what they recommend.
   — kathy E.

November 8, 1999
I had this same problem. I found that wearing a leotard under my clothes worked well. Like a workout leotard made out of spandex. It also gave me some support. A bathing suit would also work. Good luck
   — Teri L.

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