scalp psoriasis

I have psoriasis on the scalp. I have to use a scalp oil once a week. Could surgery cause it to get worse?    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 17, 1999)

September 17, 1999
I have psoriasis too, but it is usually on my hands. My dermatologist says it is a hereditary defect in the skin cells, and it has nothing to do with diet, allergies, etc. It can be aggravated by harsh soaps,or washing too often, but I don't see why WLS would have any effect. Hope this helps.
   — Lynn K.

September 19, 1999
I developed psoriasis after the surgery which certainly did not help with the hair loss. I use a special shampoo and Alacon. What does your dermatologist say?
   — Mary Anne M.

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