Just wondering how many people had an infection in their incision?

I had the lap GB done on the 12th of July and then had a small bowel obstruction which was corrected by surgery on the 24th. Now the incision is infected and I need to have a nurse come twice a day to pack it. I am just wondering how many others have had an infection in the incision and how long it took to clear it up. I am feeling alone here and would really love feedback on this. Thanks!    — terri S. (posted on August 7, 1999)

August 7, 1999
Well dear you are not alone...I had my VBG done on 7/14/99 and 24 hours after my staple and g-tube removal on 31st I ran a temp of 102 and was admitted thru the ER on the 1st and spent 4 days fighting an infection...when they started removing the terry strips that help hold the incision together the incision broke apart and started oozinglike a faucet...needless to say I freeked out...the docs explaned to me that this is not the worst case scenario bt just a temporary setback and they talked me thru the wholw thing...and after 4 days in they did also send me home with a visiting nuse 2 times a day for the next 2 weeks...the doc asked if I was sure that I couldn't pack the wound myself....yeah right...I almost passed out in the shower when they told me to get some water into the wound for it to heal faster...I got sick to my stomach and hung onto the nurses cord for the time they came I was on the floor gasping and wanting to throwup....I survived...but now they know how much of a week stomach I do have ...hahaha...take care and email me if you would like to know more....just remember...the worst is behind us now and there is only good things to come......take care...Mona
   — Mona S.

August 7, 1999
hi, Terri--I had an open RNY on July 12 and haven't had any problem except a little bit of oozing the first few days home. I hope things get better soon!
   — charlene M.

August 7, 1999
I had an infection in my incision about three weeks post-op. The doctor prescribed horse pill sized antibiotics and it cleared up in about 4 days time.
   — dboat

August 8, 1999
My husband opened up abotu Day 10 after surgery. "Pink lemonade", they call it, yellowy stuff with just a bit of blood. Opened up in his sleep. What a mess. No pain, but gave us both the heebie-jeebies to clean it. In our groups, abotu 30% of us have this nastiness. Gross & inconvenient, but not "unto death". And NONE of 'em have any worse scar, either.
   — vitalady

August 8, 1999
Hi Terri, I had a wound infection also... (2 actually) that made my recovery long and unpleasant, but this is not typical. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks following surgery. I knew something was wrong, and the dr. did run all kinds of tests But kept telling me how good I color was good etc. Meanwhile I was in tears everytime I had to sit or stand...they actually had me convinced I just couldn't handle the pain of surgery (and I have a pretty high pain threshold)...then a staple popped and they discovered the infection 4" under the incision, opened it up and sent me home leaving the incision to heal from the inside out. I had nurses coming in 2x a day also to pack it.. A few weeks later I became very nauseated, couldn't eat or drink for 2 weeks..again kept telling the dr. something was wrong. He did see me 2x a week, returned my calls etc. but kept saying this wasn't related too surgery. Now I knew it HAD too be related but he wouldn't listen. Finally discovered another infection..I had to be readmitted, had another surgery and they opened the whole thing up again. I had nurses coming to my house 2-3 times a day for months before it healed. I was opened up 9" long, by 4" wide by 4" deep and it looked like raw meat. I cried every time I looked at it and tried hard not to look. I've heard since that this is pretty unusual. I have a staple line disruption now and am going back for a revision to RNY and hope This doesn't happen again. you're not alone, it will heal with time, just hang in there! Ellen Ryan, Homer, NY
   — ellen R.

August 22, 1999
i had an infection that lasted 9 weeks, i had to have it cut open five times, the good thing is it does goaway and i have no more of a scare than anyone else.
   — dee S.

April 28, 2001
I am presently dealing with an infection. It oozes and I must change the bandage several times a day. Moist heat on it helps get it out faster and taking antibioticos... good luck email me if you want...
   — Surgery 2001

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