I hear this site is too boring looking. Do you agree?

Any suggestions for new colors? Different background designs? Ok the way it is?    — ericklein (posted on May 7, 1999)

May 7, 1999
Eric, this site"suits me!" Keep up the good work! rosie
   — Rose B.

May 7, 1999
Eric, this site is a God send, there is so much valuable info and you are doing a great job! IF you want to play w/ the colors, what about a light blue background, but keep the red and blue you already have. The most important part of the site is the info though.
   — Angel G.

May 7, 1999
Gee, Eric, I never thought about it. I come here to talk to people with common interests and never worried about what the page looks like. It is fine for me.....
   — Peggy W.

May 7, 1999
Not boring. It's for the exchange of info & support. Personally, I don't watch TV in real life, so I don't need to be entertained here. I think it just DANDY as it is!
   — vitalady

May 7, 1999
HI ERIC! I like the site the way it is, but that is not to say that others might want some more visual stimulation. I love this website and even if it was totally black and white I would still visit. Quality over substance!
   — Annette G.

May 7, 1999
I love this site, it has giving me the world of information. It is informative. I have met some wonderful people. I have found the Dr I want to do my surgery. This site has answered every question that I could think of asking.. Thank God for this wonderful website. Keep up the good work!! After I have my surgery I will be back to answer question for this site..
   — [Anonymous]

May 7, 1999
Eric - this site looks just fine. You have done a wonderful job - we come here for the info and support - don't need a bunch of fancy stuff!
   — Beth B.

May 7, 1999
Personally I think the more you "jazz up" a site the longer it takes to access. Most of us are on this site for information, not for entertainment.
   — dboat

May 7, 1999
Eric, This site is fantastic. Nothing like it existed when I went for my surgery and everyone should be thankful that you have it now. I think the less frills the better, because then it loads quicker and freezes less often. The chat room is a FABULOUS addition!!! Keep up the hard work!!! In appreciation, Allison
   — Allison Mupas

May 7, 1999
Boring ... well .. Hmm ... I wouldn't say that. I'm sure that it could be spruced up with color or graphics. But all in all .. the content and support is what I am here for ... And that's here! SO ... keep it going!
   — Sherrie G.

May 8, 1999
I really don't care! I think this is a great site, allowing people to ask important questions, and allowing people like me to share what little knowledge we have. The site isn't flashy or terribly interesting in a visual way, if that answers your question!
   — Elizabeth W.

May 8, 1999
I don't care, Eric, about what the site looks like. I have spent more time reading what people have to say than any other site I've visited lately. I am so excited about this site, it could be in black & white for all I care. Keep up the good work, Eric! Thanks for being here.
   — Beth L.

May 9, 1999
I find this site very helpful. Sites that are cluttered tend to be confusing and give me a headache :-) I've only been reading here for a few weeks and I've seen a surgeon--Patricia Choban in Columbus, OH and decided to go ahead because of information posted here.
   — Jeanne M.

May 9, 1999
I enjoy the symplicity of this site. It's easy to read, and not at all distracting. I beleave most people are here for information. If they want intertainment they can go to Thank you Eric for providing this place of help and comfort.
   — [Anonymous]

May 15, 1999
I think this site is perfect the way it is. I can find things easily, much more so than other sites and if i wanted entertainment i would go to another site...i want info and that is what you give me.

May 16, 1999
This is one of the most informative, educational, helpful, and interesting sites on the world wide web today! The colors and background have nothing to do with any of it! The people involved are what makes it what it is! THANK YOU!!
   — lisa B.

June 1, 1999
I think this site is perfect just the way it is. I have been visiting about two weeks and have gained so much information it is incredible. I have looked at other sites and the only things I have seen that you don't have or at least I haven't found yet are sets of progressive pictures pre and post op at monthly periods (Sometimes it is hard to judge by just numbers and was completely voluntary ). The other thing was a webring that cycled through different sites with the same content. If you left everything as is it is a highly informational site. Thanks
   — Jeff J.

June 1, 1999
Hi Eric, It's pretty tough to get this many people to agree on anything these days so you should be very proud of your site! If I had one thing I'd wish for it might be a slightly larger font size for us over 40 types who read this stuff late at nite most of the time searching for our bifocals with one hand and pulling the monitor closer with the other. I'm getting hunchbacked from pouring over all this fascinating info. Keep up the great work. And thanks to all who contribute. It's great!`
   — Carol M.

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