Has any one diagnosed with Sarcoidosis had any problems with surgery?

When I had my pre-op x-rays they found a lung disorder called Sarcoidosis and I was wondering if anyone has had a successful surgery with it ,and what happens after .Anything special I need to know ?    — sunnie (posted on September 27, 2005)

September 27, 2005
I was diagnosed with Sarcoids on the lungs in 2000. I had my gastric bypass in August 2003. Everything has been fine. My sarcoids only flares up when the humidity outside is terrible.(I live in Alabama. THe humidity is terrible here in the summer.) I find that I can not exercise very much outside due to having trouble breathing. I have an aunt that has sarcoids as well. She was diagnosed with it before me. Her sarcoids is worse than mine. She is on an inhaler and has to go on to steroids quite often. Just be sure to keep a check on it quite often and I am sure everything will be okay. If I can help you in any ohter way, please feel free to email me. Good luck to you!!
   — cassieholt

September 27, 2005
My mother-in-law has that same thing and had laproscopy and did fine in Jan.2005.
   — Heather T.

October 7, 2005
I have sarcoid since Sept 98. I had the surgery Sept 1, 2005, so far I have not had any problems with the sarcoid. My thinking on this is if you lost the weight that is less work for the lung and heart. So go ahead and get it done.
   — Curtis C.

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