I'm finally getting my brachioplasty/arm surgery done! I'm so excited!

I found the plastic surgeon I wanted to use, and he didn't accept Capital One financing, so I called the office manager directly (a really nice lady named Ruth) and reiterated to her how many procedures I am likely to have in the future (lower body lift, thighplasty, mastoplexy, as well as the arm surgery), and they agreed to participate with Capital One! I am so jazzed! My surgery date is Oct. 20th, and I can't wait. My arms are the part that is exposed the most to the world, and everyone is ALWAYS staring at them (really, it's not just me projecting -- I've had several people ask me why my arms were so wrinkly and weird looking). I can't wait to get this done...and the next step will be my lower body lift, which I may combine with a thighplasty. I'm really scared about the thighplasty, but it definitely needs to be upper/inner thighs look like elephant legs. Anyhow, just wanted to share my great news! Woohoo! (Open PROXIMAL RNY, 7/7/03, 226/123/113?)    — sweetmana (posted on August 13, 2005)

August 13, 2005
Congratulations!! I pray that all goes well for your surgery. I am about 12-18 months from being able to have a TT and arm lift. A lady I know here in town had WSL and the body lift. She stated that the TT wasn't bad at all. She had a lot of pain with the arm surgery. But everyone is different and you may not have any pain. After my WLS I didn't have alot of pain. God Bless You. Lap RNY 6/16/05 292/238
   — LilaDove

August 13, 2005
That's great news, congratulations. I had my tummy tuck and arm lift 3 months ago and am thrilled with the results. I have had discomfort/soreness but nothing I would call painful in my stomach or arms. I still am numb but am starting to get the feeling back, the best way I can discribe how it has felt is like the tingly feeling in your lip when you have been to the dentist, that is how my stomach and incision marks on my arms feel. I hope your surgery and recovery go as well as mine. You will be amazed at how your confidence level increases, family members and people at my support group say they see a big difference in my attitude and appearance in the last 3 months.
   — tazfan

August 14, 2005
CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm so excited for you! I had my TT last Sept 1st, and there are still areas of numbness, but the doctor said that is so common! I hope to have my arms done one day, I hate them, and yes, people stare. Best wishes!
   — PhyllisM

September 1, 2005
Congratulations on your pending arm surgery! I know what you mean about your arms showing the most. My friend's little boy like to play with my flappy arms, yuck aand yuck and yuck again. I wish i could afford to get mine done, but it will be awhile for that.
   — catleth

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