Thinning hair

I am 3 years post op-My hair is thinning like crazy-Please give me suggestions before I go completely bald!!!!!At this point, I'm willing to try just about ANYTHING!!!    — sharon G. (posted on June 29, 2005)

June 29, 2005
I had problems with thinning hair, so much so that I cut my hip-length hair to very short (almost boy-cut). At 7 months post-op the severe thinning stopped, but I have found that if I do not have 3 protein shakes every day the thinning starts up again, so that is what I do. I am now a little past 2 years post-op and my hair is now staying put.
   — Kathleen W.

June 29, 2005
I find taking the vitamin biotin every day helps, My Dr. office told us to start taking it two months out of surgery. It helps and make sure you get your protein in.
   — dee145

June 29, 2005
The problem may be totally unrelated to weightloss. There are so many causes for hair loss it is unbelievable. Including stress, hormones, thyroid, ect... You really need to speak with your doctor and maybe have a full chemical profile if not think about a dermitaligist as well. Remember just because you are loosing hair (specailly this late in the game) does NOT mean it is due to WLS. Best of Luck Angel Hugs Tegan Angel
   — TeganAngel

June 29, 2005
The problem may be totally unrelated to weightloss. There are so many causes for hair loss it is unbelievable. Including stress, hormones, thyroid, ect... You really need to speak with your doctor and maybe have a full chemical profile if not think about a dermitaligist as well. Remember just because you are loosing hair (specailly this late in the game) does NOT mean it is due to WLS. Best of Luck Angel Hugs Tegan Angel
   — TeganAngel

July 5, 2005
Flax seed oil, zinc and biotin pills should work.
   — Heather T.

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