What can I use to stimulate hair growth?

I am 6 months post-op (RNY). My hair is growing faster than usual, espicialy facial and pubic hair, but the hair on my head seems to be getting thinner. am I doing something wrong, I try to intake at least 75 grams of protein a day sometimes more. Is this not enough? or is there something else I should be doing?    — Laurettia R. (posted on September 13, 2004)

September 13, 2004
Unfortunatly Protien isn't what you need First off There will be some hair loss for a month or two becaue of the affects of the anestesia from surgery I think You are pretty much on target for tht time frame second I understand You need EFA's and Zinc. I have no clue what efa's are but sure you can look it up on the message board. Best wishes
   — Shell G

September 13, 2004
Hi L, It is my understanding that yes some people do lose hair for awhile, and some don't. A friend of mine turn me onto carrot oil/lotion. I can't believe how much my hair has grown out since I begin using it about 2 months ago! You can get it in Wal-mart. Rub it in the palms of your hand and massage the scalp with it! It has worked wonders for me! Lyric
   — Lyric

September 13, 2004
It seems almost everyone loses some hair. Like your's, mine grew in length very quickly but it got pretty thin. I had a couple of bare spots. I held off doing anything until a little over a month ago (I'm 11 months out - post RNY) I started using the Nioxin products and was amazed at how quickly the lost hair started coming back in and it is coming in thicker than it was before surgery so maybe the products are working. Some people will say save your money, the hair will come back eventually and that is probably true in most cases and I confess, I felt the same way but just decided to cough up some bucks and see what happened and I'm sure glad I did. I do like the way it makes my hair look and feel as well.
   — scbabe

September 14, 2004
Hair loss is an accumlation of a few different things going on with your body. First is the anesthesia that is trying to get out of your system. Second is the fact that hair and nails are made out of protein, if you are not getting enough protein in your system, then this is the first place you will lose it from. Normally hair loss happens around 4-6 months PO, but it also depends upon the person. Some lose it earlier, some later and some not at all. I started using a product called Hair, Skin, and Nails and it has made my hair and nails stronger. I lost a lot of hair during my Phen-fen days and then after surgery I lost even more. No my hair is long and fuller than ever. I take in an average of 120 g of protein a day in the form of protein shakes. I don't count my protein from food as I have a 60" common channel and have more malabsorption than most. Try upping your protein and see if this helps. (Tina 08/01 230/120)
   — trtorrey

September 14, 2004
Hair loss is inevitable. It will happen to one degree or another and nothing you do will stop it. What I did was firstly, freak out. (lol) Then I tried a mineral called SHIN MEHN (sp?) and I also upped my protein, while having my hair cut fairly short. If you wear your hair too long, it will look more obvious, so that might be a good interim solution. Regarding the "EFA" comment, "efa's" are essential fatty acids, and while it may have helped someone else before, you will get EFA's in protein. Protein provides amino acids as well, and they are part of the chain of cellular growth etc. Protein WILL make a difference, so if you can increase your intake with a shake or 2 in addition to your daily food, that won't hurt. Time will fix this. I looked like a cue-ball from months 4-8, then it regrew. Much better now. (I am 16mos post op). Good luck
   — zena X.

September 15, 2004
One more is important to remember that we are all individuals and what works for one may not work for another. We can only report on our own experiences here so what works for me may not work for you at all. While I believe the pre-natal vitamins, biotin, and Nioxin products have helped me tremendously, you might try all the above and not see any difference at all. I started losing hair at about 3 months out and stopped losing it at about 9 months out. Based on my experience, I'd guess that you are right in the middle of the hair loss cycle and should begin to see an improvement in a couple of months. My suggestion is that you do a search on this site for all the questions and answers about hair loss, then pick and choose what you're willing to try. Some suggestions cost you nothing because you're going to be getting in your protein anyway. Some will cost you money so you'll have to decide whether you're willing to spend any money on trying to stop the hair loss or regrow hair. Some of them will probably be no help at all but might at least help you feel like you're doing something positive about the problem. I'd also suggest that you talk to your PCP about thyroid function because both hypo and hyper thyroidism can cause hair loss. If you should happen to have either of those problems, then all the vitamins, hair products, protein, in the world won't help. Okay, enough said. I wouldn't worry too much though.........I don't know of too many people who have gone totally bald from this process.
   — scbabe

September 15, 2004
You mention your hair on your head is getting thinner, but you are experiencing increasing facial and pubic hair. You should mention this to you PCP, surgeon, and/or gynecologist. One thing that causes thinning hair on the head and increased pubic, facial, and also arm and leg hair is something called polycystic ovary disease. It is very common in overweight women. When losing the weight, in the beginning...around 3 to 7 months post op...the hair loss is very evident. I'm almost 9 months out and my hair loss seems to have stopped. I cut my hair short because it was so much more visible with long hair. Losing weight will sometimes help with polycystic ovary disease too if that is indeed what you have. Please contact your OB/GYN and they can do some testing and let you know if that's what is happening in your case. Good luck and God bless. Hope this helps a little.
   — Katherine F.

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