Attempting to prove medicaaly supervised diets

My Surgeon asked for dr. proof that I was medically supervised on diets. Do you think making a list of all the doctors with address and telephone numbers included with a loss/gain chart will be sufficient. I have Mail Handlers- Federal PPO.    — Bridgette S. (posted on May 20, 2004)

May 20, 2004
Do you have any medical records showing that you were on medically supervised diets? Giving Dr.'s names and info in addition to your own charts doesn't show the surgeon it was medically supervised. It's likely that they want to see it documented in your medical records. I would guess they are asking for this information because they don't believe your insurance company will approve the surgery without it. If you don't have, or can't obtain, medical records showing the information, ask your surgeon exactly what he wants and see if what you can provide is sufficient. Good Luck
   — Carolyn M.

May 20, 2004
I have the same insurance, and I had my approval the next day after submission of the paperwork. I think that is the best insurance out there. Have had it for 2 years and never a problem on anything.........
   — Candy M.

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