Please help I'm sick at my stomach all the time.

I had surgery almost three weeks ago and now I'm sick at my stomach all the time!!!!!!!!! I don't throw up but feel like I'm on the verge of it all the time. It doesn't seem to matter what I eat (I'm still on pureed) I still get sick. I read that water can be making me sick. What should I do???????????    — Angi S. (posted on May 1, 2004)

May 1, 2004
Call your surgeon ASAP, thats not normal. You may have a infection of the pouch, that occured with my wife and was easily fixed with antibiotics in a couple days. Call your doc now.
   — bob-haller

May 1, 2004
it could be the water because water made me sick the only kind of water i can drink is distilled water but as the other poster said call the doc asap

May 1, 2004
I have found that tap water makes my tummy hurt too,so I buy sams choice bottled water at walmart, this is the only kind I like, and you may also need to be on acid reflux med, ie. aciphex, prevacid, nexium...,you may have too much acid in your tummy, but to be sure,call your doc, Enjoy the ride :0)
   — wizz46

May 1, 2004
Are you drinking protein drinks? Our bariatric coordinator told us the protein could make us nauseous in the early stages. She suggested REALLY diluting them initially then gradually increasing the concentration.
   — scbabe

May 1, 2004
I started to feel nausea at about the same time you are-- it was due to my body going into ketosis (which is the goal). Ketones (the by-product of the fat-burning) are resident in saliva; as a result, they find themselves into your pouch, which is sensitive (particularly early on). The ketones are very irritating. The problem that you might find with water is that it is just washing the ketones from your saliva into your pouch. Many early post-ops have better experience either drinking Crystal Lite (I used to make a stronger than usual concentration of the lemonade flavor that seemed to work) or one of the lower-fiber protein drinks (the thickness seems to help). But, notwithstanding that there is a plausible reason for your nausea, you do need to have it checked it by your surgeon to rule out any other cause.
   — SteveColarossi

May 1, 2004
i had this problem too. i had rny transected. fluid had built up in the old stomach causing it to push on the new stomach when i ate or drank anything making me feel sick. i had an upper GI and the doctor gave me medicine to help.
   — franbvan

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