My surgery date is May 17, 04...

and even though I am anxious about the actual day, I have decided to wait until it is closer to worry about that, thus causing me to worry about something else. For those of us that were overweight since birth I am wondering if you have a hard time adjusting to being thin and do you eventually relax and accept it? I am anxious that someday I will just walk by a mirror and freak out because I will not know who I am staring back at. Sound crazy? I have more where that came from...HA    — Brandi C. (posted on March 26, 2004)

March 26, 2004
The freak out thingy is called WLS Moments and I have them all the time now...remember how you use to dread to look past a mirror as you strolled by cause you would see this person that you knew for ONCE that everyone else saw at that moment and it instantly made you feel sick? OK so maybe not you but it was for me..... welp now its just the opposite.. I stroll by and I try not to look at the face but the body and Im amazed... this person is me...and I have come a long way... yep definately a freaky thing but now its a good freaky thing... hurry on over.. May is a wonderful time of the month to have a re birthday..means at Christmas you will be skinny and everyone else will be gorging their faces on food and you will look like a princess in your cute outfits and looking PHAT.. (PRETTY HOT AND TEMPTING) you go girl... go for the goal!!
   — WLS_Deb

March 26, 2004
Congratulation on having a date. I am 16 months post open RNY and have lost 190 pounds. I am always walking past mirrors in stores and thinking "that woman has on the same outfit that I do"..That woman is me. It takes a long time for your mind to catch up with your body and how you look. It's still hard for me to believe that I can wear size 12 clothes and not size 28-30. Godd luck on this wonderful journey.
   — dianne E.

March 27, 2004
Brandi I have not been obese all my life, but I have friends who had been and they have shared the same feelings with me. Some of them cannot accept the person they see in the mirror (yet) but counseling with a WLS specialist is what you should consider seeing. So many Post-op do not return to a therapist after surgery (on when required). Find one that is right for you and knows about this surgery. I too have issue of seeing myself thinner once again - so I can imagine how it might be for some of those who had this disease all their lives. BUT YOU ARE RIGHT ABOUT NO WORRYING JUST GET READY FOR YOUR BIG DAY AND A HEALTHIER YOU!!!
   — Anna M.

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